Scam Alert: Do not respond to @steemitsecurity and their instructions !
Today i received a Wallet Memo Message warning me that the security my account is compromised, and with the instructions to email them and await instructions. You can see the following message below and can be found in my wallet history.
What are they trying to do ?
What do we know and why is this a scam ?
@steemitsecurity is pretending to be a Steemit security providing you a service to warn you on your account security and give instructions may be necessarily. But do they really ? There is no way in the world for them to know my account security. Without my keys you do know nothing more then my account name and the info "I" do provide. They pretend to send you instructions but they ONLY try to get as much information from as as possible.
SO DO NOT SEND @steemitsecurity ANY INFORMATION !!