The Goose And The Golden Steem - A Tale By Cryptogee

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This is the tale of a very special goose; named Steemit, the goose was special because instead of eggs, it laid pure, golden, Steem. The goose was owned by two farmers called Dan and Ned and they wanted lots of people to benefit from the golden Steem that Steemit laid, so they made a plan.

Building The Farm

The two farmers knew that if they could get people to come and feed Steemit, the goose would grow very big and it would lay even more Golden Steem. So they built a farm on which Steemit would live, and they invited people to come and take plots of land on which to plant gardens on. The people who had the gardens with the most delicious, unique food, and beautiful flowers, were the gardens that Steemit the goose liked to land in and lay her golden Steem.

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Steemit would also reward the Steem gardeners who went and cared for their neighbours' gardens; the better they cared for them, the more they were rewarded by the magic goose.

Dan and Ned had promised that everybody who came to build their gardens before July the 4th would be rewarded with special, golden Steem eggs, that they could take to the market and sell.

Many came to the farm and planted gardens, one of the people who came was a gardener called Cryptogee, he had been gardening for many years for very little reward, so he was most intrigued by stories he had heard of the magic goose Steemit.

At first Cryptogee was suspicious of the goose that laid Steem; but then he found out about the farmers Dan and Ned and decided they were good and that he would put all of his efforts into making the most beautiful garden he could.


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Cryptogee got to know some of the other gardeners whilst he was helping tend their gardens, he soon begun to feel at home with this bunch of Steem gardeners and even though he had his own family, he begun to look upon the others as a family.

In fact, the Steem gardener Cryptogee, realised that he felt very close indeed to the community that had gathered around the goose called Steemit. He didn't usually get all mushy about these things, but he was somewhat shocked when he realised, he felt very mushy inside, he even felt squishy; he was very confused.

The day came when all the Steem farmers and gardeners were rewarded with golden Steem eggs, everybody was happy. Some sold their eggs at the market, others cracked their eggs and used them to ferterlise their gardens, to make the soil even more fertile and the plants more beautiful.

For days, the news of Steemit the goose and her golden steem spread far and wide, many came to the farm to plant their own gardens and to tend to the gardens of others. When the people at the market saw how beautiful the golden Steem eggs were. They clamoured to buy them, soon the eggs were trading for many times their original value.

The gardeners of Steem rejoiced, they heaped praise on Dan and Ned, they hugged their compatriots and their families...

...and it was good.

The Fox

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Then one foreboding day, a cloud descended upon the Farm; like a fox in the night; a thief slipped by unnoticed and stole some keys that let him into other people's gardens. He stole their golden eggs and took them to market, to sell them as his own.

The gardener Cryptogee heard about the theft in the Steem Tavern where some of the gardeners would go to hang out.

At first Cryptogee had heard they had stolen millions of Steem, including those of Dan and Ned, he felt stick to his stomach with worry. Even though he had never met Dan and Ned, he felt the same, gooey feeling inside, that he felt for all of his Steem family and he was despearely fearful for them and the future of the Steemit farm.

For the gardener Cryptogee, was prone to worry and fret, and therefore was distraught at the news of the theft. He spoke to his fellow gardeners who told him not to worry, but worry he did.

Worry he did indeed...

But he needn't have worried, because the method the thief used to get into the Steemit garden to steal the keys, was discovered. Dan and Ned set some very powerful warlocks, called the F.B.I. to hunt the thief down and the Steemit farm was open again and the goose called Steemit laid her Steem once more.

The Garden Thief

Once more Cryptogee was happy and he felt even more squishy love for his fellow Steem gardeners. He set about planting a new part of his garden, he worked very hard and planted lots of beautiful flowers and delicious fruit.

The goose came and laid her golden Steem on his garden in abbundance, and he was so joyful and thankful, he went to bed a happy man and had a fitful sleep.

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The next morning he woke and went to the tavern to see if any of the other Steemit gardeners had left him any messages. He saw one from a fellow gardener named Stellabelle. It told him of how a thief had broken one of the sacred rules of the Farm, and copied his new garden design and had planted it into his own garden to try and get the goose to lay some Steem for him.

Luckily, Cryptogee's fellow gardeners went to the thief's garden and sprayed poison on the stolen design, so the goose would not lay Steem for him.

Once more Cryptogee felt the mushy, gooey, squishy, feeling of love for his fellow Steemit gardeners, they truly were his family and he couldn't wait until he could repay their kindness with some of his own.

Hack 2.0

Just when it seemed that everything was about to return to normal for the Steemit gardener Cryptogee; he heard news, that more thieves had tried to break into the Steemit farm. This time however Cryptogee had faith in the wisdom of Ned and Dan and the other Steemit gardeners.

This time he would wait patiently, knowing that everything would return to normal soon, in fact, they would be better than they were before. The gardeners would be safer from thieves and they would once more be able to harvest the Steem that the goose called Steemit, laid down upon them.

Cryptogee sat back and remembered a wise thing that the Stem gardener, Nanzo_Scoop, had written about the whole episode.

When you're wanted by the FBI for hacking Steemit...

then realise you could have made more money by BLOGGING on it!

The Moral Of The Tale

Instead of trying to steal from us, why not join us? Come and be welcomed into the happy family that has grown around our magic goose called Steemit.

Don't try and kill the goose that lays the golden Steem, or you might just find you recieve the wrath of a lot of angry Steem gardeners, the F.B.I. and of course...

The Goose

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Don't f**k with the Goose!

To Be Continued...


#steemfairytales #steemhack #steemplagarism

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