Steemit: How to compete with YouTube long-term

I am relatively new to Steemit and am fully aware that this platform is still in its infancy. I want to discuss what I've noticed thus far. I'm going to be critical of a few things because I want this platform to succeed and ultimately dethrone YouTube! I know some of what I'm about to address is already in the works in some way but here it comes:

  1. Content Discovery
    We must make it easier to discover the content we like. Searching for content, tags, and keywords must be greatly enhanced and the ways we can sort and filter those results must be greatly enhanced as well. No matter how old, obscure, or under-viewed a must be easy to find and view. Too many good posts disappear into the abyss.

Why care about posts that have received their payouts/rewards and are months/years old? That brings me to the next point...

  1. Rewards Must Continue
    I see this is essential to the success of Steemit. Like with YouTube, posts MUST BE REWARDED IN PERPETUITY. So yes, we must be able to discover old posts and upvoting them must yield some type of reward. If the reward is not SBD or Steem power we must come up with something else. Perhaps a users total number of upvotes can be tracked and used in some way to promote that user's content? You get the idea. Continued monetary rewards would be ideal but if that doesn't work the post-payout rewards must lead to more monetary rewards for that user in the future.

In summary:
Creators need to know that good content will be discovered and viewed forever. They also need to know that good content will be rewarded forever. This will lead to better and more meaningful content, more enthusiasm, and more growth and awareness. Do you agree? Let me know!

--Big Lou

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