In order to participate in Season 5, you must reply to this post.
I will leave this sign up open for a a three day period, giving people all day Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to sign up. On Thursday at midnight CST, the sign up will be closed and only those steemians who have replied to this post will be eligible for gameplay.
To maximize exposure and help give others an opportunity to join, I am officially requesting that some of you choose to resteem this post over the next three days. It would be best for you to wait and not resteem this post right away, but rather to do so at some point on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. It seems that every season at least someone misses out on the sign up opportunity and has to wait an entire season to join in. Hopefully this longer sign up period and your resteems will help others not to miss out.
I know that more players means more competition for you, but more players also may mean that it will take longer for them all to die, which could lead to a higher ending prize pool, since it grows on a daily basis.
For those of you did not read the new rules or the game overview please follow this link to learn more:
Also, to make things as easy as possible, please reply only once to this post. Thanks in advance. Also, a special thanks this season to @liberty-minded for making the title gifs for this sign up and each upcoming round. Thanks!