[Streemian] Automatic IPFS upload bot

Streemian.com is pleased to announce one of the first functional bots that adds value to Steem: The IPFS.pics bot!

What does it do?

Whenever someone posts a new picture using the proper markdown syntax, this bot will download the picture and add it to the InterPlanetary Filesystem (IPFS).
It currently uses ipfs.pics but we will sooner or later deploy our own delivery network.

What is IPFS?

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open.

It is an open source project developed by the IPFS Community and many contributors from the open source community.

How does it work?

A bot (streemian) is running that inspects every post made on the Steem network and searches for the markdown syntax for adding pictures (see example below).
If it found a picture, it will try to obtain it through the provided links, store it on IPFS and post a permanent comment of the following form:

original:    http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/exploits_of_a_mom.png
description: enter image description here
ipfs-hash:   QmW3FgNGeD46kHEryFUw1ftEUqRw254WkKxYeKaouz7DJA
ipfs.pics:   //ipfs.pics/ipfs/QmW3FgNGeD46kHEryFUw1ftEUqRw254WkKxYeKaouz7DJA

How to help?

Since Steem is bandwidth limited, the streemian account could need some love to improve its bandwidth. You could help us with that by simply upvoting this post, or any post made by this bot.


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