Phylum • Wednesday, March 7, 2018

A graphic novel project in the early stages, Phylum aims to explore the space where the arts and sciences connect, through stories. Phylum uses house illustrators and special guest artists hired from SteemIt through upcoming incentives.

Posting weekly, artists who follow this thread and familiarize themselves with content and direction will have the opportunity to participate in its creation through initiatives starting in a month or so. When seeking to view past editions of this thread, simply scroll through the @stateofthearts feed and look for the logo above.

With Phylum story brief introduced, the environment previewed, influences considered, and mood examined, we now move into concept thumbnail rough sketches and begin to explore characters. With a female lead to design who performs as part of a stage and dance troupe, our concept artists keep the feeling of movement in the mix.

As well, we begin to ideate potential creatures for the Phylum realm.

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