Reflection of mine


Just sitting alone reflecting about my life in the past years.
I thought about the choices i made , the good ones and the ugly ones, and how each choice had been important to shaping who i have become.

I remembered my friends and business friends that i grew up with, some i rarely see today and i wondered how they are doing. I remembered the good moments we had together and i wish i could go back and be with them just to laugh. But we have all been busy with our lives and had gone our separate ways.

It is interesting that even the bad times were not that bad.
I thought about my family,
old friends, my guys, my girlfriends and my senior high school friends.
I thought about the choices i had made and wandered what would have happened if i had made different choices.
It is true that you can't change the past but you can change your opinion of your past.

There are also many mistakes i wish i had not made and lies i wish i had not told.
There are also many dear friends and loved ones that i hurt a long the way.
There are many people i love dearly but i do not talk to anymore because we disagreed on something silly.
I just found out how important those events were in my life.
Thanks to all that shaped my life, be it good or bad.
Now today is Valentine's Day and am playing "stronger" by KT tunsel.
I am jasmine, and am taking life as it is.
No rush.


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