Free SSL or paid SSL?

In today's world where hacker attacks and data theft are increasing, one of the first conditions for having a secure site is to have SSL certificate. SSL, which was previously used only in large sites, has become necessary for the protection of even the simplest sites. However, the question “Which SSL certificate should I choose? It is still confusing. What are the differences between free SSL certificates and paid certificates?
SSL is a technology standard that secures the connection between two systems and encrypts the data transferred between these systems and prevents third parties from reading the data. These two systems are usually the user's web browser and the website to which they are linked. In other words, if your site supports SSL technology, your visitors can send you credit card numbers, passwords, etc. via this secure connection. sensitive information can not pass into the hands of hackers. Small files that need to be uploaded to the site to protect a connection with SSL are called an sertifik SSL certificate.. Only those organizations that are authorized to generate SSL certificates (certificate authorities) can generate these certificates.

What is free SSL?

In the past, SSL certificates were less demanding and expensive products. However, as security risks increased, there was a need to protect all sites with SSL certificates. Google began to upgrade sites that use SSL in search results. Browsers like Chrome and Firefox have decided to mark sites that do not use SSL as “unsafe.. Organizations that wanted to keep up with these developments, but for those with limited budget, gave free SSL certificates.

In short, it is now possible to get a free SSL certificate for life. Moreover, these certificates offer exactly the same level of security as paid alternatives. However, there are some points to consider when choosing “Paid or free?..

✓Advantages and disadvantages of free SSL First, let's look at the pros of using a free SSL certificate.

Free: We can say that this is the most important advantage. You do not pay any fees to receive these certificates.

Secure: Free SSL certificates and paid SSL certificates have the same encryption level. Usually 256-bit certificate encryption and 2048-bit key encryption are used. The fact that the certificate is free, cheap or expensive does not change the situation. Free certificates also supports all modern browsers and the lock icon appears in the address bar.

Reliable: Today's most popular free SSL provider, the non-profit Let's Encrypt project. Supporters of the project include industry leaders such as Mozilla, Chrome, Cisco, Facebook, Akamai.

Of course, there is no cons to choosing a free certificate.

DV authentication only: We have mentioned that SSL certificates are divided into three types of authentication. Since free certificates are generated automatically, you can only obtain a DV (Domain Validation) type certificate. It is not possible to have more reliable OV and EV types that require manual verification.

Not suitable for e-commerce: It is not recommended to use a free SSL certificate on e-commerce sites where credit card information is transmitted. We recommend that you choose a paid OV or EV certificate to instill confidence in your customers.

Short-lived: Paid SSL certificates are sold for 1 or 2 years, while free certificates are usually valid for as little as 90 days. You will need to re-create and install your certificate after 90 days.

No technical support: Free SSL providers don't have customer service, so you can't get one-to-one technical support. If you need help, you should read the technical documentation or look for help in the forums.

Free SSL certificate can make sense for which sites?

For small sites and blogs, a free SSL certificate may be enough. Generally speaking, it may make sense to protect non-commercial sites that do not sell anything and collect sensitive data with a free certificate.

Free SSL certificate is not suitable for which sites?

For sites where the “trust” factor plays a greater role, it is better to opt for paid certificates. For example, customers may also be skeptical about a company that wants to spend money on SSL certificates even though it is engaged in commerce.

If you forget to renew your free certificate, your site may be marked as “unreliable and at once if you fail to correctly configure automatic renewal, or if there is a problem with automatic renewal. And you can't call anyone in emergency situations and get support. If you manage a site where you cannot take such risks, you should opt for a paid SSL certificate.

Can free SSL certificate be used on e-commerce sites?

Technically possible, but you'll find that virtually no e-commerce site uses free certificates. Receiving your certificate from a trusted company for a fee means that you value your customers and make an investment to protect them. Moreover, the OV (Organization Validation) SSL certificate on commercial sites makes your site look even more reliable. In order to have an OV SSL certificate that confirms that the site really belongs to your company, you need to provide some documentation about your company. You cannot receive such certificates free of charge.

How to get a free SSL certificate?

We mentioned that the most popular free SSL certificate provider is Let's Encrypt, but you can't go directly to Let's Encrypt's site and generate your certificate.

Recently, some hosting companies have started to provide Let's Encrypt support in shared hosting packages. If you work with such a hosting company, you can automatically create, install and renew your free SSL certificate with a single click.

If your hosting company does not offer such a feature and you need to manually install the SSL certificate, you must manually renew your certificate at least every 90 days, and then enter and install your hosting control panel.

If you own a VPS or leased server, that is, you manage your own server, you can automate certificate renewal. If you use a management panel like cPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin on your server, there are free Let's Encrypt plugins developed for these panels.

How to renew SSL certificate Is the renewal free?

We mentioned that free SSL certificates are usually short-term. For example, the certificates issued by Let's Encrypt are valid for 90 days and must be renewed before the expiration date. However, it is useful to make a renewal every 60 days without leaving the job to the last day. Renewing the certificate is free forever, but after each renewal you need to enter your hosting control panel and reinstall the current certificate.

How to set up free SSL?

How to set up your SSL certificate depends on the administration panel software or web server you use. But your work consists of three steps:

Creating a CSR (certificate signing request)
Download the certificate file created according to this CSR Upload the certificate file to
your server
If you are using the cPanel control panel on GoDaddy , you can follow the manual SSL certificate installation instructions.

If you own a VPS or leased server, you can review instructions for popular servers.
Please note that if you use one of GoDaddy's WordPress plans and choose to receive a paid SSL certificate, your certificate is automatically installed and renewed when the time comes. In addition, the SSL certificate is included in all plans of the Ready Web Site free of charge and included in the plan.

Free SSL certificates are the ideal solution for securing small websites. However, if you have a site where sensitive data is processed or you sell, you should consider the paid SSL certificate as an investment in your site.

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