Frozen Soldier, an exemplary warrior ( SECOND PART ) Fantasy Story and Music Contest // Semana 20 //

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In the first part of this story we saw how Frozen Soldier crossed the highlands to go in search of the wise old Summoner Alric Stormbringer and ask him for help to win the battles of the Water Splinter.

We also saw all the adventures and dangers that he had to go through in the land of the dragons, in the lands of fire and in the land where nothing is what it seems to be and how the warrior received orders to be delivered to the wise Summoner and that each of the parcels contained the knowledge that our hero must receive to win the battles.

This second part tells the story of the return of Frozen Soldier to the battlefield, how he became a legend and the exploits he left for posterity.

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Then the wise old man Alric Stormbringer took the hammer and chisel that was handed to the warrior Frozen Soldier when he left the land of fire and said.

-You can see that it is a hammer and chisel. It is for you to understand brave warrior that if you do not have the necessary weapons to go out to battle and fight, then you must create them, build them for yourself. Understand that the weapons you use today were created by someone else but you should not stick to and depend on others.

Not because you don't have weapons, you're going to battle without them. You must learn to create them and this is also applicable in everyday life.

We have all been endowed with an intelligent brain and there is nothing you can imagine that you cannot create as well. In life as in war, you will find many obstacles that you must overcome and in many cases, you must have a weapon or a tool to face them and if you do not have them at hand, then build them yourself.

You have in you the tool that creates and builds all the weapons and tools that are needed in life and in war; and that as I have already told you is your brain.

Frozen Soldier understood that the old Summoner was right. He remembered when he lived in his native north pole and how his ancestors built the weapons and tools they needed to survive in such an inhospitable place for thousands of years.

His ancestors did not have to depend on others. They themselves with their own hands and creativity made it possible for life in that place to be possible.

Not only did they create the tools they needed for hunting and fishing but they also created weapons to confront humans in the struggle for dominance over those lands. In addition to all this, they were also able to create a vast knowledge to guide themselves with the stars and for the day-to-day decision making of those lands.

The wise Summoner noted that the brave warrior had a slightly droopy face. It was perhaps because of the shame of knowing that the answer to all that was within himself and that perhaps it was not necessary to have gone in search of the help of the wise Iummoner.

-Do not feel ashamed, - said the wise summoner - Sometimes it is necessary to have the humility to ask for advice. Believe me that the fact of having come for help and advice speaks very well of you. Always remember that to be great in life you will need to be humble of heart.

Moved with those wise words, the brave warrior affectionately hugged the old wise Summoner. He promised to keep the wise advice in his heart and put it into practice every day he has the privilege of seeing the sunlight again.


Very early, before dawn, the brave warrior said goodbye to the wise Summoner Alric Stormbringer to begin his journey back.

-I have to start my return trip promptly because I have to wait again for hard tests in the lands that I have to cross. - he told the wise Summoner -

-You won't have to go through these tests again - the wise old man replied - the obstacles you had to go through to get here were only in your mind. They were only a product of your mental limitations but they have already been overcome and now you have the freeway to reach your destination.

These last words of the wise old man were like magic to the warrior Frozen Soldier. Suddenly he felt his body strengthen as when he went out to battle. His ice shield and armor were intact and stronger than ever.

His abilities returned to him and he was once again the bold and reckless warrior who had won so many glorious battles for his kingdom. Only this time he felt more confident in himself, he felt able to tear down and dethrone as much as the warrior dared face him. He said goodbye to the wise Summoner and set off with a war song towards the final victory.

-You will know about me and my exploits - he shouted from afar to the wise Summoner -

-Of that I am sure - replied the wise old man -

With a smile on his lips, the wise Summoner wishes the brave warrior the best of luck while seeing him lose sight of the distance towards a life of victories. It was easy for the Frozen Soldier warrior to find his way back because he found the trail he had left when he crossed those lands, only this time the whole road was colorful with flowers and green vegetation.

The song of the birds and the perfume of the flowers made the return trip happy. He noticed that everything was different, there were no longer dragons stalking him or flying snakes but that everything was a pleasant environment.


The bold warrior was fatigued by the long journey but impatient to go back into battle to put into practice what the wise Summoner had indicated. The call was swift. A few hours after arriving he received the call to join the battle against the fearsome monsters of the Splinter of death.

He knew that the battle would be life or death since he knew the destructive power of those monsters but the heart of the brave warrior Frozen Soldier was the size of the commitment presented to him.

He took the leading position in the row. On the enemy side was the fearsome IHaunted Spirit at the forefront. He had already lost the battle several times in front of Haunted Spirit and knew firsthand that he was a ruthless opponent, but Frozen Soldier stood before him and looked him in the face without fear.

At the beginning of the first round, Frozen Soldier received a strong barrage of Haunted Spirit attacks that made him fear for a few moments.

In a few seconds, the brave warrior's life had dropped to 2 points and if he received a new attack he would die hopelessly, but fortunately, his battle mate Crustacean King sent him life quickly and the fearless warrior could recover in time; It was an instant of much anguish for the warrior.

By that time two Frozen Soldier teammates had been killed and only had four friendly monsters. He thought for a moment that Haunted Spirit was unbeatable due to the many battles he had lost in front of this warrior, but he immediately recalled the words of the old Summoner Alric Stormbringer that not everything that shines is gold and that to defeat the enemy he must create the weapons if you don't have them at hand; I would somehow find a way to beat him.

In the heat of battle, the brave warrior could see a smile on his lips as he remembered those words. He waited for his turn to come as he watched his teammates beat relentlessly before the fearsome enemy warriors. Haunted Spirit received a barrage of Water Elemental attacks that left him quite weak but soon recovered and regained life.

It was the turn of our hero Frozen Soldier against Haunted Spirit, he lashed out with rage over the enemy monster and fell to his knees very badly wounded but again he came alive and at that moment the brave warrior knew he would have to lash out again but this time with all the fury and power and he did so.

However, Haunted Spirit sent Frozen Soldier a ruthless attack but the brave warrior had an idea inspired by the words of the wise Summoner. He used his protective shield as a reflector which returned the attack on Haunted Spirit by taking him off guard.

Again Haunted Spirit fell to his knees wounded to death and Frozen Soldier gave him the last lunge in the heart, glaring at Haunted Spirit.

At that moment our hero looked up at the horizon in the direction where the old Summoner lived and gave a shout of joy and dedicated to the wise old man the victory he had just achieved before the strongest warrior on the enemy side. I knew that the battle was already won because the few remaining enemy warriors were not up to our brave warrior.

It was the first battle that Water Splinter won in a long time and also the first after Frozen Soldier visited the wise Summoner for help. He would no longer fear any other monster, there were no longer enemies that he could not defeat because he was sure of his power and his strength and self-confidence.

History says that there were many battles that won Splinter of Water having as a tank the brave warrior Frozen Soldier.


The legend of this reckless warrior transcended other neighboring kingdoms and everywhere he was respected and honored just by hearing the warrior's name. Soon he became a living legend and there are those who claim that Frozen Soldier was a warrior who fought in the troops of also legendary King Arthur.

No one can assure this but it is only a sample of the many legends that were woven around the figure of the warrior Frozen Soldier.

There are those who also assure and this is very likely, that the reckless warrior will become the Summoner of WateI Splinterlands; merits have plenty, so it would not be surprising. In the high and icy lands where the elder wise Summoner Alric Stormbringer lives also came the stories of the hero and filled the old wise man's heart with joy. "I knew you would make it brave warrior." I knew you would become a legendary warrior. - commented to himself the wise Summoner -

This was the story of Frozen Soldier and his exploits. Some time later the warrior returned to the highlands to visit the wise Summoner Alric Stormbringer and they were great friends. When something else is known about this legendary warrior we will return with another story.

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