Declassified Story of a Warrior - (Story) - Splinterlands Fantasy Story and Music Contest // Week 22 //

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In difficult times it is where obedience and loyalty are subjected to the greatest test. Without including weapons, both qualities become the fundamental pillar where the confidence and unity of a friendly army rest. This is the story of the Silver Shield Knight and with this post I am participating in:

Splinterlands Fantasy Story and Music Contest // Week 22 //


The War Council had met for the last time to judge the Silver Shield Knight for the crimes of insubordination and treason and had reached a unanimous sentence.

Solemnly the military judge in charge of the court stood up and read the sentence in the presence of the accused:

-This War Council declares that we have found the Silver Shield Knight guilty for the crimes that are accused and condemns him to be executed immediately by a firing squad.

In the warrior's face, there was no hint of fear at the sentence he had just heard. Immediately five heavily armed warriors headed the Silver Shield Knight toward the firing yard. It was the first time that a shooting was going to take place since the Water Splinter was at war.

With a firm step, the warrior let himself be driven while the trumpets were heard indicating the Warrior Battalion that everything was ready to execute the sentence. In the face of the companions of the sentenced one felt an air of sadness. They had taken appreciation and affection for the Silver Shield Knight and had a hard time believing it was true that he had committed the crimes for which he had been found guilty.

He had always shown them to be a faithful warrior and willing to go out on the battlefield to defend his Splinter. A member of the firing squad tied his hands back and sold his eyes to the sentenced. The Silver Shield Knight stood before the firing squad with his chest raised. He recalled when years ago he had sworn to defend the cause of Splinter of Life even at the cost of losing his own life if necessary.

Many of his relatives had served the kingdom for years each from a different position but had proved faithful and he had sworn to serve on the battlefield and until that day that was what he had done. However, for reasons of destiny he was sentenced and taken to the execution yard accused of the most dishonorable crimes that a warrior could be accused.

-You are granted one last wish. - the Commander in charge of the execution of the Silver Shield Knight informed him -

-I only ask that my ashes be scattered in the air as a sign that I was always faithful to the cause of my Life Splinter. - Said in a calm and safe voice the sentenced -

-So it will be done. - the Commander sentenced while giving an order to the firing squad -




The click of the triggers was heard when firing but the detonation was not heard. The astonishment of the squad was seen on their faces when they saw that there was no detonation and the Silver Shield Knight was still standing and alive. The surprise was general and for the sentenced, it was even more; He did not understand what had happened.

For a moment he thought it was just a terrible nightmare. How could he still feel his feet standing in that hot dust and the breeze that wiped the sweat from his face! Something strange must have happened because even he could hear the click of the triggers. The stone silence was interrupted by the commander's voice but to everyone's amazement.

-Illustrious and honorable Knight of Silver Shield- said the Commander aloud - It is an honor for me and for the whole Splinter of Life to have an honorable warrior like you. With your attitude, you have shown us to have ethical principles and deep loyalty to the cause of our Splinter.

-I am sorry that you had to go through such a situation and in the name of our entire kingdom we ask for a sincere apology; only that we considered it necessary for our cause to make this farce to be certain that we could count on you and your loyalty.

-With your behavior before the false accusation of insubordination and disloyalty that we made to you, you showed absolute loyalty to Splinter of Life by not confessing the State secret that was entrusted to you and which would have immediately exempted you from the false accusation.

-You preferred to surrender your life and take that secret to the grave before endangering the safety of the Splinter of Life if you confessed that secret.

-That was an inescapable requirement that we needed to grant him the following recognition: I have the honor to announce to you that for that widely proven loyalty the Splinter of Life Summoner degree has been conferred upon you.

Silver Shield Knight did not leave his astonishment. First of the astonishment of knowing himself alive even after having been in front of the firing squad and now this new surprise. He considered that it was undeserved merit but after overcoming the surprise he accepted the summoner degree since his greatest desire was to achieve the reconquest and freedom of his kingdom.

-I accept the honor conferred on me with the Splinter Summoner of Life degree and I swear to do everything necessary to accomplish this mission.

The joy of his arms mates was emotional to know that they would have him again among them and made them celebrate his return and the new appointment as Splinter of Life Summoner. They felt happy and it was not for less since the Silver Shield Knight enjoyed great popularity and appreciation among his companions.



A new battle is announced this time against the Water Splinter and the Silver Shield Knight in his new Summoner rank calls his warriors, but he surprises everyone when he tells them he will leave as a tank in the front row even though a Summoner

He also summons Silvershield Warrior, Divine Healer, Feral Spirit, Divine Sorceress, and Air Elemental.

Once all are placed in their positions the trumpet sounds that announce the beginning of the battle and the warriors begin to battle.

Surprisingly Divine Healer receives a strong attack that leaves him quite badly stopped.

Seeing this, the Silver Shield Knight furiously attacks Sea Monsters and causes the monster to lose part of the shield but immediately the new Summoner of Life receives a strong attack from the enemy that makes him stumble and lose part of the shield as well.

Divine Healer manages to stand up again and sends health to the Silver Shield Knight and makes him recover.

By this time the Splinter of Life has lost Feral Spirit by an accurate deadly attack at the hands of the enemy.

He died with dignity while fighting furiously but before he died he almost decimated the life of Ruler of the Seas whom he left almost dying.

The enemy monster Sea Monsters seemed invincible. The Silver Shield Knight had strongly attacked this monster but the healing abilities that the enemy monster had brought him back to health as soon as he was attacked. Everything seemed to indicate that Splinter of Life would lose the Battle.

On the other hand, Air Elemental, despite the losses, did not give up, he had also sent strong attacks to Sea Monsters but the monsters in the enemy's rear had responded with certain attacks and he was quite bad.

Silver Shield Knight felt worried. The battle strategy he had applied was not giving him good results. For a moment he thought maybe it was a mistake to accept the Summoner's rank.

He would have preferred that he had been executed while being innocent but that Splinter of Life did not lose the battle, much less freedom, and sovereignty.

He glanced at his teammates and saw them very battered. Silver Shield Warrior had received several attacks but was still alive and this greatly encouraged the new Summoner and very soon he came up with a strategy.

With a hand signal, he told the Silver Shield Warrior to persistently attack Crustacean King while he would send a strong attack on Sea Monsters and thus prevent Crustacean Kink from sending health to Sea Monsters and he would recover.

This strategy was also joined by Air Elemental and Divine Sorceress who opportunely attacked the two enemy monsters with fury.

The Silver Shield Knight unloaded all the attack power he had on Sea Monsters and decimated the life of Sea Monsters.

When the monster was already 1 life away, Crustacean King suddenly revived him again, but the Silver Shield Knight did not wait to be attacked, but he pounced on Sea Monsters and knocked him down with a strong attack that took the enemy monster's life.

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The cry of jubilation from the friendly monsters did not wait, but immediately they resumed the attack on the monsters that were still alive but they were almost certain of victory.

One by one they were eliminating each monster until finally the victory was final and they joined in a strong hug of joy and joy for the feat they had accomplished.

It was a bloody battle and Splinter of Life placed a monument in honor of the Silver Shield Knight and the rest of the warriors who participated in the battle and every year this glorious victory is commemorated that managed to seal the supremacy of Splinter of Life before the other Splinters.

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