The Monster Trio: Chaos Legion Water Comp

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Hello Splinterlandians, with modern soon on the horizon I wanna give you a comp that has been terrorizing silver. Now many of you may already know of this monster trio but in case there are folks that don't I wanted to shed some light on it.

It is the new water comp comprised of Kelya, paired with Diemonshark, Flying Squid, and the Deeplurker. This trio has a mix of speed, attack and abilities that complement each other. Let's break this down further and talk about each piece of the trio and why it works so well.

Summoner: Kelya

The new water summoner Kelya is one of the best summoners released in the chaos legion set. She gives you +1 to speed and +1 to armour which is very potent with all the new cards added in to water. Giving the 1 armour providing a barrier of to all your monsters can be very helpful against sneak or snipe monsters. Obviously magic goes through armour but when you know the opponent is gonna run melee or ranged this is a crucial buff. Then furthering that with the +1 speed with the already relatively quick water monsters make this summoner an ideal pick in this speed meta.

Slot 1/Tank: Diemonshark

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Getting to the first monster of the trio we take a look at the Diemonshark. An absolute monster of a unit maxing out for silver with 6 armour and 8 health to go along with 3 melee damage and 4 speed. Pair that with his trample ability and enrage this guy is scary when he gets going. Now trample isn't the most useful ability it, can help and do some cool things in the stampeded ruleset but other than that it is just there. However, paired with enrage it can be quite potent going along with the extra armour and speed Kelya gives him this guy can be tough to take down. Throw in an inspire monster like Demented Shark or an armour repair unit like Scavo Hireling and this monster becomes even better.

Slot 2 The Reacher: Flying Squid

Taking a look at the non-flying flying squid we get to a monster who is similar to Diemonshark in stats. Maxing out for silver at 3 melee 4 speed and 9 health makes him an amazing slot 2 tank. Having the reach ability is what makes this guy very strong in this comp being paired with Kelya. Most of these monsters in this comp will most likely attack first with there high speed pair them with a swiftness monster as well and it's almost guaranteed. Even if though don't go first usually Diemonshark can hold up to the first few hits and then they can clap back with some good damage and have the advantage.

Slot 3 Opportunistic Fish: The Deeplurker


Finishing off the trio with this ugly looking beast. The Deeplurker maxing out for silver with a whopping 4 damage 4 speed and 7 health with opportunity this dude is just it. I have fallen in love with this disgusting looking beast, andI think that may be why he hits so hard. Having opportunity makes this guy a real killer of those small squishy monsters on the enemies side mocking him and making fun of his looks. One thing I learned Deeplurker don't give a F. He will straight up ruin your day picking off the backline one by one. With these 3 pairing together for a holy trinity of damage, speed, and versatility in terms of abilities, this will be a go to comp for the modern format.

How To Use/Best Rulesets To Be Used In

First off you can run this team pretty much anytime you have water available, now if you face a mylor that can be a bit of a problem but with the armour and high health pools you may be able to still take that fight.

Melee Mayhem


If you have melee monsters in the back-line with Sneak or Opportunity, those abilities take precedence. Select a summoner that increases melee attack or a summoner that reduces melee attack of enemies + a tank with Shield. Thorns, Inspire, Blast, Retaliate help in this ruleset.

This is a ruleset that works wonders for this comp. Pair it with the demented shark that gives inspire and is also able to hit and you will be pumping out some insane damage per turn. Also with the Deeplurker having opportunity that helps to take down weaker monsters in the backline or finish off that tank up front quickly. Just be careful of thorns you may want to bring a tank heal/armour repair monster to help mitigate thorns in case it is used, You can also opt to go for triage in the back as well with either the Angelic Mandarin or Spirit Hoarder.

Up Close And Personal


Choose a summoner that increases/reduces Melee attack or Mylor. Keep a monster with Shield, Retaliate or Thorns in the first position. Reach, Sneak, Opportunity help in this ruleset.

This is one you will see Mylor run a whole lot in and can be a bit troublesome. Nevertheless this team compliments this ruleset pretty well as you have both reach and opportunity. In this ruleset though you don't have the option of a tank healer or a triage as there are currently none that have those abilities with melee damage.

Super Sneak


Pretty similar to up close and personal except this ruleset gives everybody sneak. I do believe sneak will also take precedence over opportunity in this ruleset as well. So Deeplurker will instead turn into a sneak monster instead of an opportunity one. This is another rulset where you throw in the Demented Shark again for mondo damage. Always expect thorns as well so having a monster with shield in the back or high armor is good. You can also opt to run thorns yourself if you have the spineback turtle. Fortunately in this ruleset you can still run triage or tank heal but this is one you would want to be running triage in over tank heal.

Equal Opportunity


This maybe my favourite one out of the bunch. Again suitng this combo so well but also our good buddy Demented Shark makes another appearance here as well. This one you can mix in a few different monsters as well that make this very strong. For instance any monster with double strike, so Axemaster comes to mind and you can even throw in the supply runner for the swiftness buff making your monsters go even faster.

Honourable Mentions

Demented Shark

Demented Shark was brought up a ton in this post so we had to include him here. Anytime you can fit this guy in for his inspire buff is great. Even if the ruleset doesn't favor him meaning he can't attack from his spot in the back, he is still a really good option to pair alongside with the trio. When he does have a ruleset that caters to him like equal opportunity be prepared for this team to wreck the opponent pretty quickly. Now it's a sure fire win you can still get countered and run into thorns or the old water magic team that will destroy this team. But for the most part you will have good success with these bad boys teaming up for a feeding frenzy.

Wave Brood

This guy is a bit tough at times to fit in at with his 8 mana cost but with the change to the mana caps it has been easier to plop him in. He has taunt and draws the aggro from the other monsters while the monster trio takes care of business. He has a high health pool as well so his survivability is pretty impressive too.

Supply Runner

Last but not least I wanted to throw supply runner in here. It is always a benefit to add more speed to your team. Even though this team already has a ton of speed with kelya and high speed base stats. Slotting this guy in will send your team into speed overdrive and almost ensures your team will be attacking first. I have come to love this guy in any comp I can fit him in and is a staple of the modern format.

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