SPS Governance Proposal - Extend Project Manager Contract for Clayboyn


Greetings everyone. I've been considering this proposal for a while and trying to figure out when would be the best time to put it out. After going back and forth on the idea for a bit and gathering some feedback, I've decided it's probably better to approach this issue sooner rather than later.

If for whatever reason the DAO chooses to not extend the contract or the DAO chooses to make the position redundant or to replace me with a different contractor, building autonomous alternatives or training my replacement will take time. Of course having some time to figure out my personal next steps would be nice as well, but I hope the fact that I'm making this proposal will make it clear that I'd like to continue my position.

The job was not and to be honest still is not very clearly defined as I tend to see this position as a sort of catch-all position for solving any issues that arise for the DAO that are within my power to resolve as well as finding solutions to issues that go above and beyond the role of a project manager.

I'll share some of the big accomplishments so far and some of the bigger projects that I'm still working on and hope to see through to completion below:


  • Established soft-consensus mechanisms and worked with the team to bring more engagement to the SPS Governance system by incorporating the draft proposal stage into the website as well as implementing non-intrusive alerts.
  • Set up a MM partnership with FlowDesk.
  • Established the DAO X account and YouTube Account as well hosting periodic DAOn Halls to help update and inform the community when important topics arise.
  • Several LP Audits and proposals to help the DAO make informed decisions about changing our approach to DeFi.
  • Reworked tournaments.
  • SushiSwap partnership and bond.
  • Established procedural guidelines for proposals.
  • Helped to set up and establish the Treasurer system.
  • Established a proposal tracker in discord.
  • SPS Distribution audit.

There's quite a bit more, but I don't want to make this post too long, so I'll link to my monthly recaps below for anyone wanting a deeper dive into what all I do. Generally if things come up that need immediate action, I work to find solutions.

Monthly Recaps:
November 2023
December 2023
January 2024
February 2024
March 2024
April 2024
May 2024
June 2024
July 2024

In Progress and Future Projects

  • The DeFi overhaul continues with the aim to have our DAO start generating a strong passive income from its idle assets.
  • Expanding into new chains to strengthen our DeFi presence and improve our overall token health by exposing more of our liquidity and volume to other chains.
  • Establishing partnerships with DEXs and communities on new chains to help build momentum for expanding into new chains.
  • Establish an SPS Foundation.
  • Continue to help navigate new issues that arise and help the DAO establish guidelines for itself moving forward.
  • Continue to work as a liaison between the DAO and the team to ensure that proposals are executed and the community is represented.
  • Work with JPTR to ensure the community is updated on the status of SPS Chain development and has a clear understanding of the progress being made.
  • Continue to set up more DAOn Halls to encourage better communication with the community.
  • Work with the community to figure out solutions for our inflation endpoints and rewards continuity.
  • As always, continue to push for the DAO to become self sustaining.


If this proposal passes the SPS DAO will extend its contract with @clayboyn for an additional 12 months ensuring that the DAO has a project manager through October of 2025. The DAO and @clayboyn will retain their rights to terminate the contract at the end of any monthly work period.

The rate of pay will continue to be $5,000 USD per month, but with one change to simplify the process. @clayboyn will have the ability to request payment in any Stable Coin or ETH tokens which are held by the SPS DAO and are currently unallocated for other DAO proposals.

@clayboyn will also be able to take up to two weeks of vacation or sick time at points during the duration of the contract when ongoing work and projects permit. There will still be check-ins and open lines of communication during any absences to ensure support for the DAO.

Personal Thoughts

This job has been a massive undertaking if I'm being honest. I feel like I had a pretty good idea of what I was getting into when I first proposed this position nearly 11 months ago and I always do my best to manage my own expectations.

There's a lot of uncertainty for my personal life and I've had to forfeit the luxuries of a traditional career (like insurance and retirement benefits) to become an independent contractor for the DAO. I've accepted that and continue to do so.

I tend to be a bit of a workaholic for those that haven't noticed, but I've been trying to make sure I take off at least 1 day a week. Sometimes I fail at that. It's difficult because even when I'm off, I'm usually still thinking about ongoing projects or engaging with the community. This is why I added in the option to take a vacation to the proposal. Who knows if I'll ever make myself actually do it though.

If it's not clear, I do everything in my power to help us build for success and outside of my wife and trying to take care of my personal health, this is pretty much the only thing I'm passionate about. I hope my actions and dedication over the years show that.

I feel like there has been a lot of progress made so far and I genuinely hope to continue this mission if the DAO wills it. There's always more work to do. There's always more random things that pop up. There's always more requests and concerns from the community to address. The work doesn't stop.

On a final note, I want to make it clear that if the DAO chooses to not extend the contract, I understand. I'll do my best to finish as many of my ongoing projects as possible and ensure that any responsibilities are handed off per the DAOs instructions.

Thanks for the opportunity to work with and for all of you and hopefully we can continue to build together. Thanks for your time and consideration.

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