Tournament Updates

Hello everyone! I've been running some polls to gather feedback on the tournament system and looking for what changes the community would like to see. As I often get many conflicting suggestions, I decided stake-weighted polling would help me make informed decisions on how to proceed.

Let's take a look at the results:

How Many Tournaments Do You Want?


The results of this poll are pretty clear. The overwhelming majority of voting stake supports fewer tournaments that are higher value.

What Would You Like to See for Tournament Entry Fees?

The results of this poll show that more than 2:1 of the voting stake support bringing back entry fees and the overwhelming majority of that stake wants the fees to be burned.

Should We Try to Gate Tournament Entries According to Ranked League?


The overwhelming majority of voting stake does not want league-gated tournaments back.

Let's Try Something New

I'm generally open to trying new things and making adjustments to improve where we can. The feedback I've gathered makes me feel that we need to make some adjustments and I'm going to incorporate this feedback into the next few tournament rotations that I build. Please note that I will be continuing to gather feedback based on these changes and may further adjust things as needed.

New Rotation

I've built a new tournament rotation and done my best to distribute the formats to encourage steady demand for cards. There's always going to be a bit of overlap, but in general my hope is that this creates a relatively steady demand for card rentals of all levels and sets while keeping the rotation fresh.


New Entry Fees

After quite a bit of consideration and forecasting for entry fees, I've settled on using the DEC token as the token that we'll be burning to join tournaments. My thoughts are that this ultimately returns some value to SPS and has potential to encourage users to burn SPS earned from tournament prizes for more DEC, especially when DEC is closer to peg.

The goal of this change is to discourage randomly signing up for tournaments and not actually participating. All DEC requirements are lower than the value of the bottom tier prizes. This may need to be revisited if the price of SPS changes significantly in the future. For now, this is the plan:


Closing Thoughts

I want to reiterate that none of these changes are set in stone. My goal is to gather feedback based on these changes and run more polls if needed to keep working towards making tournaments better and more in line with what the community wants to see. That said, I don't plan to change anything further until October at the earliest so that we have time to assess the impact of these changes. Thanks for all of the feedback that led to the creation of these polls and for participating in them.

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