As Spring Progresses

I haven't done a blog in a while about our property.  things have been changing of course as spring is progressing.  Leaves on the trees have all come out and life is looking very different out here. 

A few blogs ago I had gone on to our roof and taken some pictures of our domain.  I have done that again to show the difference from the winter time to now.  So here is the dugout.  It is now dry and it has been dry for a couple of weeks now.  The ducks are not happy about this.  They miss swimming in it.

 Here is the pasture where the goats spend some of the summer.  We also graze them in the front yard and around the dugout.   

So the greenhouse is beside the dugout and it has had some water damage.  We are not able to use it this year. 

The roof is not completely on the back wall so we have decided use the atrium and other places for our tomatoes, cucumbers, kale, peppers and lettuce.  I have had to remove the strawberry patch.  I was able to salvage some of it but not all of it. 

Our Atrium and the new garden.  

Mom's house

This is my mom's house.  She lives out here with us so we can help her with various things.  She is completely off grid as well.  Her house is a traditionaly builtl house with a cement floor. The cement helps her store as much heat in it as possible.  So her house is just behind the earthship.  I am standing on the end of the earthship taking this photo.

Baby update

Here are the baby goats.  They are doing well.  They have begun to eat grass and graze with the rest of the heard.  I am going to begin to milk their mama's Saturday morning.  I will milk the mama's in the morning and the babies will have milk for the rest of the day.  Their mama's are beginning to wean them so no is the perfect time to begin the milking process. 

The baby ducks are not babies any more.  They are almost the size of the adults.  Their mama is the duck standing with the pure white face and chest.  The rest are the ducklings.  

It is hard to get a picture of the baby chicks.  They are still in the brooder and it is a small enclosed space.  They are beginning to get their feathers now.  I don't think you can see that in this picture.  

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