The Osis Cup Activity Makes Sportive Students in Sport / Kegiatan Osis Cup Menjadikan Siswa Sportif Dalam Berolah raga./ 2 Languages.


Hello Steemians Wherever Located

On this occasion, I would like to tell about the activities of the Osis cup to make students sportive in sports.

A few days ago, all students gathered on the futsal court.


The students wear school sports clothes, even though there are still a few who wear school clothes.


This morning's ceremony is the opening ceremony of the OSIS cup SmkN3 Lhokseumawe, Aceh, 2018.


Osis cup is held once a year. The activity was carried out when the school examination process was completed.


The osis cup activity lasts one week.
There are several activities that are contested, including:

  1. Futsal
  2. Volly ball
  3. Table tennis
  4. Dance
  5. Poetry
  6. English speech
  7. Indonesian speech
  8. Vocal, and
  9. Travel.

The jury involved in the student council are from the teacher and from outside the school.





Each race winner is given prizes 1, 2 and 3.




Maybe this is the only thing I can tell about the osis cup to friends of steemians.

Hopefully this story will benefit us all.

Suggestions and comments from best friends, I hope.

Thank you for coming and reading my post.

Follow me @safran


Hello Steemians Dimanapun Berada

Pada kesempatan ini, saya ingin menceritakan tentang Kegiatan Osis cup menjadikan siswa sportif dalam berolah raga.

Beberapa hari yang lalu, seluruh siswa berkumpul di lapangan futsal.

Para siswa memakai baju olahraga sekolah, meskipun masih ada sebahagian kecil yang memakai baju sekolah.

Upacara pagi ini adalah upacara pembukaan osis cup SmkN3 Lhokseumawe,Aceh, tahun 2018.

Osis cup dilaksanakan setahun sekali. Kegiatan itu dilaksanakan ketika proses ujian sekolah selesai.

Kegiatan osis cup berlangsung selama satu minggu.
Ada beberapa kegiatan yang di perlombakan, antara lain:

  1. Futsal
  2. Volly ball
  3. Tenis meja
  4. Tarian
  5. Puisi
  6. Pidato bahasa inggrus
  7. Pidato bahasa Indonesia
  8. Vocal, dan
  9. Travel.

Juri yang terlibat dalam osis cup adalah dari guru dan dari dari luar sekolah.

Setiap pemenang perlombaan diberikan hadiah kec1, 2 dan 3.

Mungkin hanya ini yang dapat saya ceritakan tentang osis cup kepada sahabat steemians.

Semoga cerita ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua.

Saran dan comment dari sahabat steemians, sangat saya harapkan.

Terima kasih sudah datang dan membaca post saya.

Follow me @safran

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