Getting Ready To Perform

I haven't been doing, spoken word for very long. I have written poetry since I was a teenager, but standing up in front of lot of people and reciting my work, that was way too daunting for me. So I continued to write, just for myself. A lot of it was very personal and I really, just felt too uncomfortable to share it.

Now, well now I feel very different. I want to share my words. My stories. To share my pain and my healing, in the hope of opening up more conversations around what it means to be human and the huge potential we all have.

There has been so much suffering, so much pain, that we have carried forward from our ancestors and then the pain we have gained from living our own personal lives. It's so important that we talk about this, that we come together and explore the different ways that we can help one another heal.

But first, the conversation has to start.

SO I like to plant seeds with my words, words of encouragement and self worth. Words that maybe even inspire.

Tomorrow I will be sharing some of my words and I want to take people on a journey with them. Let my words pull them in, entice them, like a good story teller.

I have begun exploring the different ways in which I can present my words, the way in which I tell my story. A way, which I hope will help to empower, those who listen. But I am still far, from what I wish to become.

I have chosen three poems, two of which I will combine, to make one, as they flow quite nicely into one another. An insight into my own healing, of my pain and often disbelief at how so many of the world seem to be unable to see what is unfolding around us.

Words hold so much power, they are our spells and what bring our thoughts and ideas into reality.

These are the two poems below, that are now one. I will finish off, with my Love poem, which I posted recently. Here's the Link if you want to check it out.

I really hope to move people, move them in the direction of self love, self empowerment.

One of these days, I might just ask someone to record me and put it on here. But for now, I want to focus on getting my performance just right.

within the silence, I retreat,
searching the layers of my discontent,
as the world falls into disarray
and the memories of our existence

the sounds, that tied us to our dreams,
spill out
flooding corridors,
breaking down the fear,
that held us fast to our ideals.

I slip into a trance,
seeking the courage to break away,
to find the words and cast my spells,
into the depths of my self worth.

and suddenly the time is upon us,
the strength of our knowing,
weaves it's way into the minds of those that doubt,
that chose to look the other way.

I find my way,
the dance that brings me back, to who I am,
to my power, that dwells within
and propels me forward.

I now flow.
Opening up,
as the force of my intentions
manifest and grow.

Inviting me,

To that time in between
to observe the gentlest of forms,
move into this moment of reveal,
as we
descend into the chaos that ensues,
swept up into this spiral,
feeding the minds of those
that slipped away
as our grip eased upon the words that spoke of our freedom,
of movement
that sunk our fears amongst this buried treasure,
held by the light
as we surrender
to fight amongst those who remain and speak of truth and unfathomable things,
echoes within the chamber of our resurrection.
we call to attention,
the broken shards that cut us, as we rise above the lost,
those who wander aimlessly,
taken by their pain
consumed by their guilt, of expectations
that call for blood and segregation,
tales of demons, that ride upon the wings of angels,
breaking out of this mold,
let the fire consume,
burn away the last of that, which ties them to their shadow self.
the exploration of power that comes from within,
held within our fragile being,
spells to weave our intentions
to cast away the dark, that lurked behind each contemplation,
we shape
our stories,
each strand
a web, that brings it all together
that feeds the light
and illuminates the way,
as we co create each day.

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