SERPENTINE SPY -splinterlands weekly challenge

hi there ,
i came up again with @splinterlands weekly challenge , this week challenging monster is SERPENTINE SPY ..

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Card Setups

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here is the battle link -


This week theme : SERPENTINE SPY

  • Serpentines are naturally sneaky, but their highly-trained spies can infiltrate even the most secure bases in the Splinterlands. They wear minimal armor, because they are never caught. Retractable miniature spears are the chosen weapon of the Serpentine Spies; they can be hidden easily and brandished quickly for many uses.

Edition : UNTAMED
Rarity : COMMON

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I uploaded video on youtube-

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My lineups


  • While passing through the galaxy on his starship, the great and powerful Lord Arianthus noticed signs of life on a planet below. Apparently monsters of all sorts were battling one another in endless competition. Lord Arianthus, enjoying battle and competition very much himself, decided to land on the little planet. He would show these puny monsters the meaning of defeat! Source

Lord ariantus is a legendary neutral monsters which is used as a tank to soak all damages, my lord is at maxed level who has Shield, Void, Magic reflect & Thorns ability. In maxed level it has 9 health with 1 speed, and its only of 5 mana. And im using in my most battles.


  • Another product of the twisted genetic experiments of the Gloridax is on the loose. The hybrid monster known as the Manticore is a cross between a Dragon, a Lion, a scorpion, and countless other monstrosities from which it draws its powers. Except when summoned to battle, the Manticore answers to no one.Source

I have maxed my Manticore to level 6 it is most useable monsters on low mana caps as well as in non-flyeing ruleset. It has 3 melee attack and 9 health with 3 speed. It is from reward edition, rarity if epic and from Dragon element .


  • There is only one living Golden Dragon, and he presides over the great Dragon Congress. His magic and armor are the greatest, and only the Hydra has put his mettle to the test. Suam Khepri, the leader of the united Gloridax, is always on the lookout for the next Gold Dragon, which prophecy says will hatch in these times. Source

My Gold Dragon is Alpha maxed which has 9 health , 4 magic attack with 3 speed , and it has flying , heal , blast & magic-reflect ability. My gold dragon is from Alpha edition and its rarity is legendary & from dragon element.


  • Since their original entrance to the Splinterlands through the cracks of the Molten Mountains some hundred years ago, Fire Beetles have spread to every corner and crevasse of the Burning Lands. Not only have they thrived and multiplied in the hot, acidic air, but the species has evolved in several different directions. One of the more terrifying varieties is the Beetle Queen. A Beetle Queen is equipped with the same naturally replenishing supply of nape juice as any Fire Beetle, but with one key difference. Beetle Queens have wings. Fire is tougher to avoid when it is raining from above. Source

Beetle queen is also maxed and its from fire element , rarity is rare & from reward edition , my beetle queen has 2 magic attack , 3 health & a armor with 5 speed, it has tank heal and inspire ability.


  • Serpentines are naturally sneaky, but their highly-trained spies can infiltrate even the most secure bases in the Splinterlands. They wear minimal armor, because they are never caught. Retractable miniature spears are the chosen weapon of the Serpentine Spies; they can be hidden easily and brandished quickly for many uses.

mine serpentine is at level 6 which has 3 melee attack with 5 speed and have 3 health, its from untamed edition and rarity is common which is from fire element.


Yet another product of the Gloridax science facilities, the Harpies do not know their purpose in life. They are quite intelligent, which has led them to ask why they were born with such a twisted form. One of the aims of the experiment that produced these monsters was enhanced breeding, to be used for livestock in the Draykh-Nahka feed yards, so two of them were created. The one male and one female escaped (or were released from) the facilities and began spreading their own special brand of chaos throughout the Splinterlands, dropping litters as they went.Source

this monster is from promo edition, its rarity is epic and its from dragon splinter. mine harpy is maxed which has 3 melee attack , 4 speed and 4 health with flying and opportunity ability.

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Tell us about your lineup. Explain why you put each card in that.

i puts lord first as it is a good tank with shield , void , thorns and magic-reflect to soak all enemy damage , then i puted manticore because it has reach ability and can attack from second monsters with thorns, for third position i selected my gold dragon because it has magic blast which is able to damage 2 monster in same attack ,in 4th position i choosen beetle queen as it has tank heal which can heal my tank monsters which is on first position , then for 5th position i selected SERPENTINE SPY because rule was fog of war and this monster has opportunity ability which can attack from any position to low health monster, it is the best option to choose becasue it has 5 speed and 3 melee attack which is faster then FIENDISH HARPY , and at last i selects FIENDISH HARPY becasue i have only 2 mana left and i didn't any best option to choose so i selected FIENDISH HARPY who has opportunity as well, and this team makes me win against th12-svj bot , which is tough in some cases ...

Did your strategy work?

yes, my strategy worked for me .

Do you use the serpentine spy often? Why or why not?

yep, iam using in many battle but especially in fog of war & little league.

post is also tagged to #splinterlands and #spt as well .


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