Little League ruleset in Splinterlands - makes good units up to 4 mana even better

Welcome back to another post in my post series about my adventures in Splinterlands.
Unfortunately there are again no news I heard from Splinterlands. But in the current situation this might be good - at least for me. Don't get me wrong, I like the game and the ecosystem but I do not really get the switch from "Play2Earn" to "Pay2Play". But this would for me be the case if the entry fee per season really came into effect. Other authors already called the "Pay2Win" aspect in Splinterlands bad. But for me "Pay2Play" would be even worse. That along with steadily decreasing card prices... this is not my world. :(

At least my already long considered sale of some of my cards takes effect: I did not enter Champion League, yet! ;) :(

But let us have more of a look at the ruleset of the week: It is called "Little League" and actually quite simple with no further implications: "Only units and summoners with a mana cost of 4 or less may be used."
So you are not going to see a unit that costs 5 or more mana on this battlefield!

Let us look at one of my battles featuring Little League ruleset here:


So yes! It is me again going with my beloved magic attack lineup... and a lot of cheap units including a lot of damage potential.
My opponent on the contrary had some shiny new Rebellion units. How will it turn out for me?


Okay, so my opponent strengthened his attack potential...

...However Round 1 went good for me. I nearly broke trough all of my opponent's ranks. Only thing that started to worry me is his increasing health on his Riftwing unit. Along with the Earthquake ruleset this was going to cause some trouble for me!

And how it did! My ranks collapsing due to Earthquake ruleset pumped his Riftwing so hard, I really was not able to take Riftwing off the board before the next round of Earthquake damage caught my Mycelia.

So yes, I lost this match. But it was not thanks to Little League, but more of due to Earthquake ruleset. However I find it remarkable that Riftwing had an edge costing only 4 mana. And that is to me the main restriction Little League ruleset will affect your gameplay any time it appears: There are not too many units that are ideally suited for a given ruleset. And in Little League ruleset a lot of these units are ruled out. Riftwing with his 4 mana cost is on the edge. But on the good side. If not for Riftwing my opponent would have lost this match.
But he had it and I did not. So for your next battle with Little League ruleset: Watch for the little "problem solving units" that basically help you circumvent ruleoptions and just cost below 5 points of mana.

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