Splinterlands: My Battle Mage Secrets Challenge Entry

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Silenced Summoner Ruleset

I would probably the first the admit that Silenced Summoner is one of my least favorite rulesets to have to play. I love all the buffs and abilities I can gain by using some of the legendary summoners, without hem I find myself having to think a lot harder about my strategy to pull out a win.

The battle I'm sharing was precisely one of those situations, silenced summoner mixed with no magic. I'm always a little bummed out when there's no magic because some of my favorite cards are of the magic variety. So my strategy started by using a water team with Alric because of his low mana. Have a look at the lineup I set up and I'll review the logic behind it.


This match came in with a nice high mana cap of 49 so I knew I could use some nice heavy damage dealers. I started with a Kraken because he is one tough tank to have to beat. My secondary tank was Noa the Just for a couple of reasons. One he reduces the opposing teams armor and I place him next to Kulu Mastermind with weapons training granting Noa the ability to fight. I followed up Kulu with the Swamp Spitter because I love the armor repair ability, especially with my first two cards having pretty decent shielding. Then of course no heavy water team is complete without a Deeplurker.

That left me with one card left the finish out the team and I struggled a bit on this one. After deliberating my options I went with Isgald Vorst, mainly for the opportunity ability and bloodlust. To be completely honest I think I've only ever used this card once or twice so it was a bit of a gamble.

My opponent brought in Diemonshark as a tank followed with a reach monster Flying Squid, not a bad combo. Then he brought int the the tougher ones: Deeplurker, Isgald Vosrst, Kulu, and Coeurl Lurker at the end. Not a bad lineup!

You can watch the full batlle here:


or on YouTube:

Here's how it all played out, since we have no summoners buffs it's all in the strategy. After round 1 no kills were made but both our tanks were taking some heavy hits as well as his Coeurl Lurker.


Round two took out both our tanks and his Coeurl Lurker since it has the taunt ability. This is where Noa and the Swamp Spitter get to shine. Noa has the atttack ability thanks to weapons training from Kulu.


By the the time we hit round four my opponent has lost the Isgald and the Squid is on life support. Noa is still standing strong because each round his armor is repaired by the Swamp Spitter.


By the time we hit round five my opponent was down to just a Kulu who was easily defeated my remaining four cards.


My take away from this battle is that Noa the Just is one badass card when he has weapons training and shield repair. He fits in very well as a secondary tank as well. I think most people really under use this card when in reality it's a great card!

That's it for my Silenced Summoner Ruleset strategy. Like said one of my least favorite rulesets to play buy if you plan things out carefully you can pull out wins using smart card placement. If you have any questions or comments feel free to opine below and have a great day!

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