Good afternoon Splinterfriends and Soulkeepers :)
I have been excitedly waiting for today so I could write this post!!
It was really, REALLY hard not to share a peep of this before it happened... but since it is OFFICIAL... I can share it now!!
I have been collecting, playing and holding onto a LOT of Splinterlands assets since early Oct of 2021!
It's hard to believe that is has been almost THREE YEARS since I started this insane journey with you guys n gals 🤗
Speaking of "Captain Dingus" - @sharkmonsters sent me a cool ChatGPT inspired picture with the prompt "Captain Dingus" lol... Check this out:
Anyways - three years deep into Splinterlands and Soulkeep is not what I am making this "BIG" announcement over...
I have been Battling, Brawling, Tournamenting, Investing, Staking, LP Pooling and Soulkeeping my way to some serious $SPS holdings!!
I have hit my SECOND Milestone for my personal goals... and while I am nowhere near @vugtis or @cryptoeater in holdings...
Thank you for all the laughs, the follows, the content, the games, the Wins... the Losses... the friendship, the salt - thank you for everything thus far!!
Here's to the looming Bull Run of 2025 and may all your wildest fantasies be exceeded!!!
That's all I have for you today folks!! Thank you for reading and I would LOVE for you to join me in game!!
Naturally, after everything leading up to this moment, I do think Splinterlands and Soulkeep are some of the BEST web3 games out there!
They bring the #play2earn feature to the forefront of development as well as many opportunities for people to earn rewards - whether Player or Investor!!
If you're interested in the future of gaming, it's worth checking out!
You can sign up here: Splinterlands
Cheers 🍻,
- CaptainDingus
#Splinterlands #Soulkeep #play2earn #web3 #NFTGaming #Rebellion #Conflicts #TowerDefense