Share your battle: Diemonshark

This week's share your battle covers one of my favorite Absolute Units, the Diemonshark! Diemonshark is eh ok in Bronze League level caps but becomes an absolute All-Star in Silver League when it hits Level 4.

This is because it picks up Enrage at Level 4 which is an incredibly powerful ability with the right units, applying a 1.5x multiplier to the unit's Attack and Speed (and appears to get rounded up). With Kelya's +1 Speed, Diemonshark gets buffed up to a whopping 5 attack, 8 speed as soon as it takes some damage to its health (not armor, health only).

Add some Inspire into the mix and now you're cooking with gas! Except when a Mycelic Slipspawn's Forcefield poops all over your cabbage patch.

An enraged Diemonshark is hard to hit with your typical melee / ranged without buffs from Kitty, Jacek, True Strike, etc. It nearly always lands its hits and can consistently take a piece off Oshannus, Flying Dodgers, or another pissed off Diemonshark. Special sauce when it gets its Trample off.

It definitely falls off when facing a lot of magic damage or a Phantom of the Abyss though. It's one of my staple gotos when I see


which usually leads to this sequence in my brain

This week's battle is a Ranked match in Modern Silver League. My opponent made a pretty serious misplay putting a Merdaali Guardian in a No Heals ruleset but even if they had 3 mana's worth of extra damage a pissed-off Diemonshark can usually out-smash an Oshannus.

Round 1 Starting Lineups


Oshannus goes first as the fastest unit and Enrages the Diemonshark


The rest of this match easily snowballs, especially since they wasted 3 mana on the Merdaali Guardian as a zero damage meat shield. In retrospect I should've put my Chaos Agent in the very back row to let my Pelacor Bandit live longer but it is always a gamble guessing if we'll be facing a team that frontloads all its damage or sneaks in a little in the rear. In this case I thought I might be encountering a front loaded Life Splinter team with magic reflect and repair or big boy Pelacor Arbalest pew pews. Still probably a higher percentage play to toss Chaos Agent in the last slot. Thoughts?

Round 2


Round 2 begins with Oshannus in better condition than the Shark but that's soon to change.

Round 3


Round 3 starts with Oshannus finished off by the Tide Biter whose 5 speed is enough to all-the-time-unless-you-really-need-it-in-a-tournament hit.

At this point it is a done deal, the Pixie takes 1 more life off the Diemonshark but he tramples his way to victory with enough armor to tank any leftover hits from the Bandit.

Diemonshark is definitely a staple unit for Water and worth acquiring through the market (rentals or purchases) at its max level for your League. At current prices it's about $11 USD to purchase a Lvl 4 Regular Foil, or 5-15 DEC to rent per day.

Even in Bronze it's a great unit especially in Enrage rulesets where it gets the level 4 ability for free.

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