Talking About Psychology

Hello everyone, I am 19. I primarily got interested in psychology as an end result of self studying ethical philosophy as well as a push to understand my mind so I could control it lol. Unfortunately, like many lay people without health insurance, I went down the online self help rabbit hole full of internet talking heads and was working with misinformation for a while. In the process, I have become extremely acquainted with and well read regarding mbti/socionics and I am convinced that 99% of people on the internet discussing it have never once engaged with the primary literature. As such if you are curious about the theory, please feel free to ask me because I feel at-least relatively qualified in this area. I am extremely curious about how the world/universe/human experience work and really want to start involving myself with people and groups discussing psychology from a more academically sound perspective. Also typology is a very limited/contentious part of psychology and I want to be able to discuss things like polyvagal theory or executive functioning.

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