Trying to win an argument!


Ever try to win an argument?

Let me go one step further and ask you that ever won an argument after you argued with the other person to forever. Let me guess what happened next, you guys never talked again or aren't as close as you were earlier.

My younger brother loves to argue with me and almost everyone and so he is unpopular in our family and not a lot of my relatives like him because of this. Everyone has that one "lawyer" friend who everyone hates.

Now I am not trying to imply that we should not state your point when we are sitting among a few people. I mean to say that discussions are great, but discussions are done when all parties want to understand the perspective of the other party and when people are open to ideas. If we think that the topic is sensitive like politics or religion it is best practice to stay silent. Now, some people reading this won't like what I just said but hear me out. Has there been one instance in your entire lifetime when someone contradicted someone on their political or religious beliefs and it went down well. Let me guess, NEVER!

I'll go as far as to say that you are better off agreeing with the other person on matters that are pity. People want to be told that they are correct, isn't that right? So, why not tell them "I think you are right." This is most important when the other person is someone in position of power. Isn't it obvious, why would you want to cross your boss? In most situations it is best to shut your mouth and let the story play out by it's self.

Another idea that someone suggested to me was that start by saying that I think you are right, but I would like to add that _________. Even if our opinion is directly opposite to their's we can convince them to think that we are correct if mold the above statement in way that they feel we are not contradicting them. Shutting up and agreeing with everyone else is a very underrated habit but one that can save you a lot of blood pressure pills and friends.

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