Seabed landscape

Seabed landscape: 1 - primitive sessile polyp Nemiana simplex: 2 - Vendia sokolovi (bilaterally symmetrical organism of unclear systematic position); 3 - primitive sitting jellyfish Cyclomedusa plana; 4 - Dickinsonia costata (large, leaf-shaped, segmented organisms, obviously standing between coelenterates and flatworms in terms of organization); 5 - jellyfish Hiemalora stellaris; 6 - synphomedusa Kimberella quadrata; 7 - primitive sitting jellyfish Ediacaria flindersi (up to 1 m in diameter); 8 - Charnia masoni and 9 - Char niodiscus oppositus - organisms of an unclear systematic. positions: 10 - multicellular thalli algae vendotaenia (Vendotaenia), perhaps the oldest representative of brown algae: 11 - Spriggina floundersi, a possible ancestor of trilobites; 12 is a representative of the extinct group of invertebrates Tribrachidium heraldicum, which had three-ray symmetry.

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