How should we hang our toilet paper?
For many years now, my husband has been arguing with me about how to hang our toilet paper! Thankfully, it's still a good child and today, I am publicly asserting that he was right...
How do you hang your toilet paper? Does the end protrude from the front or bottom of the roller (i. e. closer to the wall)?
Yes, in our country, it's an existential question that comes up almost every week (and I don't dare to tell you how many years ago)!
However, today, we finally have the right answer thanks to a scientific study carried out by the University of Colorado that explains to us with their usual scientific rigour why paying for the toilet is like this:
In reality, the walls of our toilet are filled with bacteria.
Therefore, if you hang your toilet paper using the "bottom-up"method, it is very likely that your hand (filled with bacteria) will hit the wall when you need to grab a few squares of paper to wipe your buttocks. So: your hand will leave bacteria or worse, pick up bacteria left by another person (which is worse when you are in public toilets).
While the other method "from above", you will never touch the wall.
The scientific study focuses on public toilets and notes this:
Using a high-tech genetic sequencing tool, researchers identified 19 groups of bacteria on the doors, floors, faucet handles, soap dispensers, and toilets of 12 public restrooms in Colorado -- six men's restrooms and six women's restrooms. Many of the bacteria strains identified could be transmitted by touching contaminated surfaces.
And what happens when your hands take these bacteria with them?
Well, you can get sick!! In fact, these bacteria usually come from human excreta that often lead to food poisoning.
Wash your hands when coming out of the toilet
- Hands look dirty
- After going to the bathroom
- After changing a child's diaper
- After touching raw food (meat/fish)
- After blowing your nose or coming into contact with sick people
Remember to wash your hands after using the toilet. According to some studies, it seems that one in two French people do not wash their hands after using the toilet! These people do not realize that by doing so they are putting their health at risk!
Besides, washing hands is very important every time:
Hope you wash your hands a little more often... I wish you a good health!