May the circle be unbroken

Had a very nice day in a surprising kind of way. Most of the morning it was not certain if Roger, the Sailboat Specialist was going to show up today or tomorrow. Ended up doing some tidying up and a lot of reviewing for the radio exam, which is scheduled for 10:00 on Friday.

At around noon gave him a call and left a message just so that he didn't drop over after leaving.

Ali, from the Sail Loft, called to say the jib had been repaired and he was now turning his attention to the Main. This should mean that the sails will be done in the next day or so.

The next big ticket item was to get the paperwork printed out for my lawyer at Staples. Caught all the right connections going downtown and was soon at Staples where a wonderful employee helped me through the entire process. Walked away with a full stack of legal size paperwork.

Being so close to James' marina dropped him a text asking if he was excepting visitors. He extended a warm welcome so headed over his way. We put up a beach umbrella over the cockpit and sat and shot the shit for most of the afternoon. We share many similarities in our lives. Both avid travellers, sometimes walking outside of society's norms. There is an affinity there.

Around supper time it felt like a munch was in order, so invited James to supper. We started randomly walking around looking for a place when James' noticed and East Indian Restaurant and we thought we'd give it a try; and glad we did.

It was the real thing. A wonderful dal curry, rice and nans. We both ordered a curry but we could have easily both dined on one; so we both had great doggie bags to take home to respective boats.

After supper we headed out to go our separate ways.

Tonight was a bit special in the getting around department. Grabbed the 502 like a pro and then transferred to the 15 like a local. During this leg of the journey my lawyer called. We had planned to contract each other about 45 minutes before his call. He must have been waiting on me to initiate it.

After explaining that my bus journey back from staples was still underway he seemed to go a bit softer and explained that he had concerned about a sleezy move the Corporation which is purchasing my property is trying to do with the $1 two year lease which has hidden costs which does not make it $1 as advertised.

My lawyer wants to go to bat about this, so power to him. It could save as much as $5000/year if we stay on at the old place for the full length of the two year lease. He said he would call tomorrow at 13:00 to talk more.

Having made a note of the cross streets where the morning's bus stop had been it was as easy and telling the driver my desired destination and he dropped me back where the morning travel had begun.


Its beginning to feel that we shall soon be moving on from Kingston on the next leg of this passage; Montreal. Will try to intersperse some videos once under way to give that visual fix.

Until then...

May the wind be at your back!

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