A trip to the city

Yesterday seemed to be a bit of an energy grabber. Perhaps the stress of the launch took something out of me or perhaps it was just rocking in the cradle of the waves lapping with us no longer being on the hard. Whatever it was it had me sleeping into 9:30 which seemed unprecedented since my arrival in Toronto. Rolled out for a shower and then headed for the bus to take me up the bluffs and into the city proper with today's destination being the Nautical Mind book store.

The Nautical Mind was visited some time ago to get some Sail Canada books. They have all things paper and marine. Today the search was on for nautical charts for not only the passage from Scarborough to Kingston but then onward to past Montreal on the Saint Lawrence River.


So took the same bus up the bluff and on to Kennedy Station. Instead of taking the Go train as normal for me for the downtown, the subway was taken instead. It turns out that there was only one change to another line at the Young St. Station. A much smoother ride in and out of the downtown area.


They had all the charts asked for but one at the Nautical Mind. That one can be looked for once in Kingston where there is said to be a good outfitting store. With 14 charts boxed up nicely headed out on my homewards journey.


Stopped for my favorite of fresh haddock and chips at the marina's take out...


Finally made it back at Makina tired and ready for a little early evening rest. Well that rest went much further than expected and this is being written in the late evening of 22:50!

There was a text from Chris saying that rain was expected for the morrow and asking if Saturday or Sunday would work for me. What more can be said for a guy driving 2 hour both ways to visit and help me out. Sure they will work for me!

So with a wide awake night facing me allow me to get this log entry off before the midnight bells.

May the wind be at your back!

A chronological listing of my sailing posts:


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