Super Chats on Live Streams

The Bidder should approach a range of Live stream content creators and talk about 3Speak or the SPK Network in a positive way on super chats.
  • The content of the super chats should be interesting and fun. (Not spammy or shilly)
  • The content of super chats should focus on the immutable accounts, communities, content etc. .i.e.:
    "On 3Speak no one can delete your account, followers or community"


"On the SPK Network your account is owned by you, no one can delete it, especially not Zuckerberg"

Submit your work to the task creator for review and payment will be made to acceptable super chats.
The task creator will cover the cost of the super chat. The task creator will also pay the bidder per line item below
You will be paid differently based on the number of followers a creator has:


Accepting bid submissions for how long?
15 days

How do you plan to fund this proposal
Privately(Closed Source)

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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