Anti-Russian laws will destroy the foundations of Western Civilisation

Everything which forms the foundation of why Western Civilisation is great is being destroyed by the current Globalisation obsessed leadership of the West.

This is a quote from The Times in 1935 about the Nazi party's Nuremberg Laws:

The best to be said of the new laws is that they may offer German Jewry the process of law in place of arbitrary bullying and local tyranny.

I was listening to my favorite hate-listen podcast. I find it important to listen to this because the views of the hosts and guests are nearly always at odds with many of my core beliefs.

The podcast is Pivot from the New York Times Magazine with Kara Swisher (she who asked Steve Jobs who was going to censor podcasts when he showed them to the world for the first time in 2005) and Professor Scott Galloway who is a tech investor with a few good bets and lucrative exits to his name and is now a business school lecturer and sits on the boards of a number of startups.

They were talking to the former Southern District of New York prosecutor, Preet Bharara. The first paragraph of his Wikipedia bio:

Preetinder Singh Bharara (/priːt bəˈrɑːrə/; born October 13, 1968) is an Indian-born American lawyer, author, podcaster and former federal prosecutor who served as the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York from 2009 to 2017. He served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney for five years prior to leading the Southern District. According to The New York Times, Bharara was one of the "nation's most aggressive and outspoken prosecutors of public corruption and Wall Street crime" during his tenure.[1][2]

This is a link to the section of the show but I've got a transcript if you prefer to read:

Scott Galloway: Hold on, just before we move on from from that issue, just as a lot of people would argue that we had a an understandable and emotional reaction on 11. And a lot of civil liberties ended up being shoved to the side. Under things like the Patriot Act, do you worry at all that as we try to, we're angry, and we see these terrible images coming out of Ukraine. And we try to go after assets. Are you worried that private property laws get put aside which over the long term is bad for capitalism and fair trade?

Preet Bharara: Yeah, it depends on how it's done. Yet everything has to be done to the letter of the law, not just the spirit of the law. And if there's an adequate case to be made, and there's a judicial process, then then I'm not so worried. I mean, everything is capable of being abused. [..discussion about the alternative being real fighting..] And there's an argument to be made, that if we channeled that energy and effort into a legal process, notwithstanding the concerns you raised, that's still a lot better than channeling it into military process, and escalating in a way that makes everyone worse off.

What they are casually discussing is the destruction of probably the most important foundation of Western Civilisation: Personal Property rights.

Personal Property Rights

Ours is a civilisation which I trace back to the Hebrew Bible and Jewish philosophy, combined with a bit of Greek and Roman law all filtered through two millennia of expansion under broadly Christian philosophy. Ours is the first major world civilisation to have both had and, much more importantly, abolished slavery and the ownership of humans on a near global scale. And that's just one of many other amazing achievements.

Right back at the start of this chain, one of the most important origin stories is the purchase of what is today called the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, Israel. Originally a cave and now the site of a tremendous stone building, built by Herod and similar in looks to the famous Western Wall of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, that site is the first written recorded land transaction for which written records exist to this day. If you can prove otherwise let me know, I honestly didn't believe that when I first heard it on a visit there a few years ago.

The importance of this is how it marks the template for the private ownership of land and almost everything else. The Hebrew Bible records all the correct parts of what we know legally today as a complete transaction: offer, consideration and acceptance. In fact the story of Abraham purchasing the cave in which to bury Sarah, his wife has Ephron offering it to him for free but Abraham insisting on paying for it.

This is at the heart of every single reasonable legal system I want to live under.

What this former legal prosecutor and business professor are discussing are whether or not its OK to expropriate possessions from individuals because they are Russian and perceived to be "close" to the leader of Russia.

Some things are just WRONG

If the West HAS some pre-existing laws that can be found to make this "legal" or give the appearance that "there's an adequate case to be made, and there's a judicial process" Preet Bharara is just fine with doing this.

The 1935 Nuremberg Laws were part of a process. They didn't start by murdering all Jews. They demonised all Jews for years first. Is this being done to all Russians now, or just wealthy ones? Or just Russian sports stars? Now our governments are moving against the personal property of specific Russians we think are too rich: is this the last thing they'll do or is it part of a process? Will this lead to laws as evil as the Nuremberg Laws? Laws which declared Jews to be sub-human but which, because they was passed in some kind of democratic process and codified by the supposedly civilised Germans, would give some comfort to German Jews and be better than local bullying. Where are we going with these sanctions and confiscations against Russians who are not part of the government?

Stealing the private property of private Russians is WRONG

Even if our governments do pass laws to do this, these laws will be wrong. I'm not particularly concerned with the specific Russian oligarchs they may move against, but what is unbelievably dangerous is a destruction of OUR civilisation's honesty and entire basis of law. This will eventually hurt all of us, not just ultra wealthy Russians with huge yachts and multiple homes.

I've previously written about this article from the standpoint of how it casts some Nazis as "radical" therefore giving the impression that there may be "moderate Nazis". It even puts Hitler on the side of the moderate Nazis. But that's another story.

The Times, Sept 17 1935 - Leading Article, The Nuremberg Laws

The full text of the article:

The Times of London, Leading Article, The Nuremberg Laws, September 17 1935

Reprinted September 17 2004

Herr Hitler’s speech to the special meeting of the Reichstag at Nuremberg may not have fulfilled all the expectations of the Deputies who were so suddenly summoned together. But our Berlin Correspondent considers that for domestic purposes it was a master-stroke of party stage-craft; and the one-hour session provided speeches by the Fuhrer and General Goring and three new laws. Henceforward the Swastika flag, till now the emblem of the National-Socialist movement, is to the official flag of the German Reich. The other two laws impose severe conditions for full German citizenship so as to exclude Jews and forbid marriage between Aryans and Jews, on the engagement of German girls as domestic servants in Jewish houses.

For Germany the new “ghetto legislation” will rank in importance equally with Herr Hitler’s references to foreign policy. In the long run it may mean more to Germany than any manifestation of activity in foreign affairs. Nothing like the complete disinheritance and segregation of Jewish citizens now announced has been heard since medieval times. The new laws, while in line with anti-Semitism which has been a large part of the Fuhrer’s inspiration from the beginning are no doubt to be taken as an encouragement to the Radical wing of the party.

To increase a provocation which is doing grave injury to German interests abroad is a contradiction more than strange, while it is a further defiance to conceptions of social justice that are still second nature to the greater part of mankind. The best to be said of the new laws is that they may offer German Jewry the process of law in place of arbitrary bullying and local tyranny.

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