Weekly-ish Running Update..... 5/9/5

So I managed THREE runs as usual in the last week or so, roughly every other day, a simply short - long - short patter, mixed paces all around!

Last Wednesday - A quick 5K


This was a bit of an odd one as I couldn't do my normal route because of some localised flooding... I headed across my usual bridge and oops - the park at the opposite end was VERY flooded. And so I DID my usual route backwards, but then around 2Ks into that ANOTHER flood, this one only tiny but it would have meant getting my shoes soaked, literally only just two steps in ankle deep water, but I opted to turn around and keep my feet dry.

Obviously all of that stopping and turning affected the pace, but not too bad nonetheless!

Sunday Runday...

My next run I saved until Sunday, a bit lazy maybe, but there you go!

I went out for a 9K, started off just before the church traffic, which can be annoying given that there are about 2 miles of narrow country lanes where you have to stop for cars, but I avoided most of that!


I got a good pace on for this 9K, similar to my recent 5Ks, so very happy with that, fastest one I've done in ages.

Early run this morning

I headed out around 7.00 and it was still pitch black, which meant I had to slow down because I couldn't see too well, and i'm not as fast in the early mornings anyways.


Thankfully it was mild, it is VERY mild for late October, I even felt a bit warm!

Quite a slow pace, just around 24 and a half mins, but given the dark, that's OK

Next week's plans...

I think I have to aim to get in at least one interval session, three runs in total before next Tuesday the man hopes!

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