Gorgeous Evening in Cape Town (excluding the gale force wind): Naturally went for a run

Runner's Diaries: Those Magical Runs


This afternoon I sat eating my snack in front of our new baby (see @chr7is) and the sheer force of the wind through the trees outside catch my eye. No way my friend's going to be game to go run in this storm without rain. Which usually means a sandstorm along the beach.

Sure enough, she wanted to meet up at 19:30 for our usual 5k run. I reluctantly left the house, and was pretty glad I had. Even though we were going to get a few mouthfuls of sand, I'd get to take some of these photos to share with you guys. The best runs usually turns out to be the ones that you almost cancel or skip. Always do that run, ride, hike or swim. No matter what. Someone rarely regrets moving.


The video below is really bad, since my phone kept blowing around in my hands. But it's something! Have an awesome week everyone, and try to start it off by being active :) byeee.

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