The abortion law is disgusting play by Democrats on Republican sensibilities and deeply held personal beliefs about the sanctity of life. And, I am sorry to say, the Republicans played right into their hand.


The abortion law is disgusting play by Democrats on Republican sensibilities and deeply held personal beliefs about the sanctity of life. And, I am sorry to say, the Republicans played right into their hand.

Babies born to mothers who opted or had serious thoughts of opting for abortion are more likely to lean Democrat and becoming swayed by #CriticalRaceTheory and #BlackLivesMatter movement when they grow up.

By adopting the #TexasAbortionBan, #Republicans have handed the great state of Texas to #BLM and #Democrats on a silver platter. In twenty years, Dallas will look like Detroit.

Planned Parenthood is evil, but it’s a necessary evil until #Antifas and #BLM died out. A bustling neighborhood with a PP clinic beats a burnt-out one without it.

#RoeVWade #roevswade #AbortionIsEssential #AbortionRights

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