hosted by rachaeldwatson

Hey everyone, hope this finds you all well. Apologies, I'm running behind today. Everything was running smoothly, enjoying my day off until I get a text from a lady who Krazy and I both know. She lost her husband few months back. It's been pretty bad on her. Anyways.. She texted me by mistake.(intended for a different Rachael) ... I called Krazy and we went over. Our surprise visit really made her day. We had to call her to find her as she'd just moved into a new house this past weekend. (After a lifetime in a house with her husband, his kids made her move) 🥺
I wished I had known she was going thru this. I've texted with her but she didn't indicate any problems. And with Micah, I don't take him to other people's houses.. Except family. Anyways, let's get on to some stats..


Before I forget again, 🤦 I bought 3 common cards yesterday. I wish I could tell you what they were but I didn't write them down and forgot🙄 what I do know, is they had skill.
And apparently I can't get around to making the separate post I'm supposed to about the 12 packs I bought the other day. So lol, here's a list of the cards I purchased other day
95, I 73, R 287, I 73, 93, R171, i86, 88, R204, i86,i87, R199, 89, 90, R207, S41, 88, 91, 91, 92, R213, i6, 90, R210, R169, 90, 94, 93, i86, R177, R169, 89, i83, 94, i73 R177.

Total NFTs: 517 (0/10 in storage)
Total 517 breakdown

Total Fans:36491

  Fans from cards: 27559
  Permanent fans ego: 8932
  Drunks: 1164

Total Skill: 37763

  From cards: 26346
  From music lessons: 

Luck: 4211

IM: 485

Ego: 0

Lvl : 93 (4626/4650) 👀 I can see the 🤣😎

Yesterday's withdrawals: 9365

Today's withdrawals: 8714

Total starbits: 26728


Well, I changed my mind on building up to 4k and buying a pack. Lol, I bought 39 Pelacor bandits and combined them instead. Now I have a lvl5 to put on the rental market. I cancelled 7 rentals, and another couple expired. I kind of want to take everything off and start over but I have a couple that has days left on the rentals. Guess I'll just continue slowly going thru them🤪

DEC income: 125.939 out of 130.901

ROA: 16.05%

Current DEC: 220.744

NFTs: 151 (849 BCX)

 Rented: 96 (600 BCX)
 On market for rent: 3 (24 BCX)

 Not on the market 52 (225BCX)

Market value: $ 231.49

CP: 21,320

Anyways, that's about it for today.. So let's get to the juicy stuff!🤑

To determine a winner I will be using. https://hivetools.herokuapp.com/picker/

Drumroll please🥁...

Yesterday winner is🎊l

yesterday's winner

🎉 Congrats🎉 @zonadigital21 !! Your starbits are on the way!

I'm going to tag all participants for notifications for the next contest.. Should you not want to be notified, please let me know in the comments thanks.

@new.things, @jfang003, @mauriciolimax, @ladytoken, @supriya.gupta, @amaillo, @thaddeusprime, @coquicoin, @ifarmgirl, @rtonline, @deepspiral, @dubble, @distopia4444, @krazydownhere, @luizeba, @henruc, @daje10, @roscar9, @thoth442, @vaynard86, @danideuder, @vagabond42069, @fredkese,

Thank all of you so very much for your help and support with my risingstar starbits giveaway! 🥰😊


  1. Comment anything below (include your Rising Star name)
  2. Upvote this post & Follow to not miss any giveaways (optional)
  3. Winner will be drawn in the next post! Fair warning: I babysit my 2 year old full of energy grandson. I will do my best to be consistent with posting times but it might vary occasionally.

As always, if you have any helpful tips or advice please share. I'm sure newcomers would appreciate it and myself too! I'm still learning lol
Also, I'll do my best to tip GENUINE replies... Not bots. I'm still building my tip tokens, but I'll try my best 😊


Never EVER buy a starbits millionaire NFT. Once you hold 1 Mill starbits they are free!! To obtain, go to the risingstar discord


My Referrals

If you don't play @risingstargame, you're missing out. It's free to start. You can earn/buy Starbits, Starpro, NFTS, and more (as in add your own music, which I know nothing about. To find out check out their discord )... It's been a very steady play2earn game for me.
I absolutely love it! If you're interested check it out using my link..



I love @splinterlands also! Here you can earn/buy DEC, SPS , NFTS and more.. if you're not already playing and interested check it out.

Disclaimer.. Not financial advice just games that I play, enjoy, and have earned from.

Thanks for reading 🥰

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