Rhododendron a beauty of the flower world

Spring has arrived when you see rhododendrons in bloom in our area of the world. Luscious flowers greeting a person with flowers that pop and entice you to stand and admire them.

"Rhododendron is a genus of 1,024 species of woody plants in the heath family, either evergreen or deciduous, and found mainly in Asia, although it is also widespread throughout the highlands of the Appalachian Mountains of North America." Wikipedia

Scientific name: Rhododendron
Higher classification: Ericaceae
Rank: Genus
Symbol of: West Virginia

Did you know: Rhododendrons are erect, growing up to 80 feet high, while Azaleas are more twiggy, spreading bushes, usually reaching a height of no more than 8 feet. theflowerexpert.com

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