Hive Revolution - Mission 1 - Communication

And give me silence, give me water, hope.
Give me the struggle, the iron, the volcanoes.
Let bodies cling like magnets to my body.
Come quickly to my veins and to my mouth.
Speak through my speech, and through my blood.

Pablo Neruda, “The Heights of Machu Picchu”

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Say it loud, but discreetly

Communication and discretion are among the key factors in preparing for a successful revolution.

This is why the aim of this first mission is to teach you how to communicate and exchange confidential information with your comrades in an efficient but secure way.

For this, we will use encryption techniques which are made available to us by the Hive blockchain.

Mission objectives

  • To transfer Revolution funds between rebels.
  • To learn how to use encrypted memo


To be able to accomplish this mission, you must have already received your revolutionary badge!

If you are not yet part of the Revolution, it is still possible to join us. Read this post to learn how.


  1. Send 0.005 HIVE to @hive.revolution with the following memo: #mission1-ready
    Note: Be careful to put a "#" at the beginning of your memo! By preceding the memo text with a #, the blockchain will encrypt it and made it unreadable for anyone but you and @hive.revolution.

  2. @hive.revolution will then transfer some HIVE tokens to you with an encrypted memo
    Note: The content of the encrypted memo will be different for each rebel. There is no point in sharing your memo with your fellow comrades.

    This is how an encrypted memo looks like:

  1. Decrypt the memo using your memo key
    Note: To be able to read an encrypted memo, you will need your memo key. There are several ways to read an encrypted memo. If you don't know how to do it, ask your revolutionary comrades. It is by searching for yourself that you will learn the best. This will also allow us to test the mutual support capacity of our troops. (Hint: use the Revolution Support channel on Discord to talk with your comrades. )

    This is how a decrypted memo looks like:

  2. Follow your new instructions found in the memo
    Note: Now that you have decrypted the memo sent by @hive.revolution, scrupulously follow the instructions it contains. We cannot tell you more here since the instructions will be different for everyone.

It is only if you execute all the above steps correctly that you will be authorized to participate in the next missions! If all went well, you will receive your 1st class badge.

This mission will be monitored manually. Since the command team also needs rest, you may have to wait a while to receive your encrypted instructions. Be patient (another key for a successful revolution)!

Good luck, comrades!

Revolution! Revolution!

Support for the Revolution campaign is provided on this dedicated channel on Discord.
Give us more power to share: Vote for us as a witness!

HiveBuzz is a project created by @arcange

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