Timex Sinclair User – Issue Number 3

The Sinclair ZX81 and Spectrum were extremely popular computers in the U.K. during the 1980s and even early 1990s. However, while there were variations of those machines released in the U.S. by Timex, they were sometimes incompatible, had relatively limited software compared to other machines like the Commodore 64, Apple II and TRS-80 and only had very limited success. Timex Sinclair User was a magazine dedicated to these machines and issue number 3 includes:

  • Timexpectations - Software Blues
  • Letters - On U.K. imports, tape recorders, 16K RAMS and the new 2040
  • Software - 3D-Orbiter, Galaxia, ZX-Data Finder and other programs reviewed
  • Cover: T/S Goes to Camp - Ellen Vanstone reports on computer camps that offer the T/S 1000
  • Books - Four colorful, inviting, fun-filled books from Usborne
  • In-Depth - Fred Blechman previews the prototype of the 2000, the Spectrum
  • Focus - Timex Sinclair User rates home management software
  • Hardware 1 - The Timex Sinclair 2040 printer reviewed
  • How to Program - John Gilbert on simple ways of sorting data
  • Program Printout - Dice, Flashcard, Kingdom and five other exciting programs listed

Read more: https://www.megalextoria.com/wordpress/index.php/2021/11/02/timex-sinclair-user-issue-number-3/

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