Tired of renting cards everyday and sweating for the cheap ones? This may help!

Hey guys :) I already did a guide for the Collection Power Rent System of Peakmonsters. -> Here you can read it , if you want to know how to collect your CP the quickest way

Today i wanna show you the same bid System for cards.

It's not that hard to understand it but it's very helpful when you know that it exicts.

So let's do a little example!

I want to rent Verani Wavesmith, because he's really strong and pretty useful.

But it's sometimes a pain in the a** to rent one. Because they are so popular and everyone is trying to rent the cheapest one and that's what we get:


Here we come to the "new" bid system for renting cards!


When we click on BID we get this window.


Pretty similar as the CP Rent system right?
Here we can put into the Price field which DEC we are ready to pay for our Wavesmith each day and at which Level we want it and if it should be a gold card or a regular card.

After we set our desired price, we can relax and the system will do the work for us. When we are #1 in the Current Bids list, we are the next ones to get a wavesmith for our deck.

Things to know

-> The System will only rent one card for you
-> 3 hours before the borrowed card leaves your deck, the system reactivates and searches again for a card for you.

-> Settings on the card will stay as long you didn't turn it off again.

I personally use it to rent almost all cards that cost anyway just 0,1DEC/DAY, so i have some more cards and options to play with. Earlier i had to rent evey season or after some days those cards again and i was tired of it. That's why i'm so grateful to know about this bid system now and want to share it with you too, if you haven't already heard of it.

I hope this infos were useful and i safed you again some research time! Have a great day!

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