A Possible Explanation for the Big Bang...

Source credit: justscience (2017). [The Big Bang]. Retrieved from http://www.justscience.in/articles/mean-big-bang-theory/2017/08/28

Being a person that has asked "why" all my life, I have come to a topic that might be the biggest "why" of all time - "Why do we Exist?" When I speak of "we," I'm referencing we as physical beings.

I would wager a bet that if people were asked the question of how things are brought into creation, the most often given answer would be that physical creations first begin as "thought." I myself fall into this line of belief. It is a relatively straight forward ideology. Most things of human creation first begin as thought. I suppose an argument could be made that a person could "mindlessly" generate physical creations, but even that theory could be argued that a person who creates "mindlessly" still is under the sub-conscious construct of their mind with some underlying activity of thought. Regardless, for the sake of this argument, I will stay with the known belief that most physical creations exist as thought - first.

So this brings me to a very powerful possibility that I recently stumbled upon while reading "The Disappearance of the Universe," by Gary Renard. The author of this book meets a pair of spiritual helpers while one day sitting in his living room. Gary Renard was of sound mind, highly credited within his career, and not using any recreational or prescription drugs when these amazing events occurred. These "spiritual guides," if you will, take him through a journey of self-discovery and eye opening contradictions to his very existence through a number of visits over a multi-year time frame.

To get to the crux of the topic of this post; the concepts of duality, non-duality, separation and the creation of the ego are discussed at length with help and understanding from Gary's spiritual friends. A very astonishing and thought provoking point is made during one of their sessions - the creation of the physical universe (the Big Bang) was simply a POWERFUL thought, originating from us when we were one with God. This thought of - "What would it be like to become separate from God."

Now I know that is a pretty astonishing perspective to try to wrap one's mind around...the thought that we created the big bang; which in turn is what created the universe and all things; including earth and all life on it.

But, if for nothing else, just consider the possibility...

The Bible tells the story of Adam and Eve being cast outside of heaven by eating the "forbidden fruit" from the tree of life. I personally believe this story is true but metaphorical in it's meaning. If God created us in his image as a powerful spiritual conscious energy form - then we were at one time "one with God," part of the whole, existing in perfect harmony, in heaven where love was abound. We were (and still are) powerful spiritual beings. However at one point, as all children do, we thought upon ourselves (as energetic, non-physical beings at the time) what would it be like to be separate, away from our creator? Eating the fruit from the forbidden tree of life was too tempting and even though we were warned by God not to since we would suffer for it (suffer in a sense of where we are now - wondering, fearing death, asking why, not being at peace, etc.) we simply couldn't resist the urge to feel what life away from God was like. Could this have spawned all the incredible number of events dating all the way back to the big bang?

We would need "somewhere" to be away from God. Someplace that we could exist but not with God (in physical technicality of course because I believe we are always with God and have God within us, but most just don't know it). This is what is described as "The Separation." At that moment, the ego was created. The ego was our own doing and is the reason for the fear of punishment and the reason to fear God. The fact of the matter very well may be that we have nothing to fear. God loves us and wants us to come back to him to reunite with him in perfect harmony and love.

However we now have to deal with our own creation - The Ego. A "separate" creation by us - that now wants and needs us to believe in it, listen to it, and for it to stay in control so that it can continue to exist. The ego is a powerful source; one that makes us run and fear God. The ego creates reasons for us to turn away from God - could the ego be another name for "the devil?" That voice inside your head that wants you to listen to it - rather than the power and insight of God?

In "The Disappearance of the Universe" one of the main points that is brought about is how to live a life path that turns away from the ego and helps oneself open up to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and turning back to God. So that our repetition of reincarnation need not continue and that we can once again be at one in total harmony and love with God.

"The Disappearance of the Universe" many times references another powerful book known as "A Course In Miracles." As the Bible is a learning and teaching source for spirituality; so is "A Course In Miracles." It was written in the 1970's by author Helen Schucman. In this course, the spirit of Jesus is transcribed and is available as instruction on how to awaken and end the suffering that we put ourselves through due to separation from God. Within this book Jesus's spirit mentions that the time is now upon the human race where we can begin to more broadly awaken. The bible was a guide in it's time to serve a purpose and so now is "A Course In Miracles," but for more modern era. Within it, there are many references and points of clarity given to the bible. Those who are ready for more explanation and awakening can gain a very great deal from "The Course," as part of it is designed to be a practical design for ending the cycle and need to reincarnate over and over after each death.

I am only a fraction of the way through "The Course" at this point in time of writing this post. However I can already tell that it indeed is a powerful awaking tool. I would highly recommend reading "The Disappearance of the Universe" as a precursor to "A Course In Miracles." It will help lay some sound foundation of understanding before beginning "The Course."

As always - I hope this is simply thought provoking if nothing else. It is never my intention to preach or attempt to tell others that their beliefs are wrong. I remain and stand by the belief that when we are ready...each one of us will find our way through the awakening process and back together as one collective source with God.

If this post helps only a single individual - - - then we are one step closer to where we all eventually will be - together again with God, in perfect harmony and love.

A preview on "The Disappearance of the Universe.":

Foundation for "A Course In Miracles":

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