Religious Doctrines and Mental Slavery.

Africa and psychological slavery

Sub-sahara Africa is rich in natural resources and also in poverty. I see kids with big dreams but I wonder how many of these kids would get their dream job, how many of them would come to realize that their nation is riddled with corruption (it's not a secret), wicked men(religious leaders) and a governing system that destroys lives and dreams alike like the sun does to a lost tourist in the sahara desert.

Being born in a third world country comes with a bonus- Hardship. If you weren't lucky to be born with a silver spoon, or atleast a chance of obtaining it, then you'd definitely live at the button of the food chain. That's if you survive the hustle. That brings me to the essence of this post.

Furthermore, this children are indoctrinated that "God would make a way where there seems to be no way" (no thanks to don meon). So they invest all their time in religious activities than in businesses, schools, science and critical thinking. it's the very reason the world witnesses the back slide of most African countries.

The Bad Doctrines

Being religious isn't bad at all, but when taken too seriously; we expect that the nation would produce people whom are waiting for God to intervene in disease outbreaks, economic meltdown, elections, bad governance etc.

Listed below are believes of the common African man;

  • You cannot do without God.
  • People suffer because they don't "give" to God(in reality its the pastors/imams).
  • The will of God surpasses yours.
  • Your destiny was ordained from heaven.
  • Attend church/mosques or face damnation.
  • Satan is evil, however it is God who authorised him.
  • Witchcraft is responsible for diseases, poverty, and other backwardness in lifes of individuals.
  • Suspected witches(not excluding children) should be burnt.
    People have died because their beliefs prohibits blood transfusion. Some can't get jobs because working conditions are against their religious practices.
    If you find yourself in a country like mine you just had to be religious. People hate or discriminate non-religious people just as they do logical reasoning. Where I'm from, God decides who gets rich and who gets poor, who rules and who is ruled, who lives and who dies, it goes on and on. So wherever you find yourself, you just had to accept your fate.

    The mentality of the common man

    To be born poor is by Grace and Gods blessing
    Question not his laws or be taught a lesson
    Listen, o man to the voice that maketh the rich
    Believe not in Him? suffer the curse - you witch
    I do not have my own say in earthly matters
    Nothing but the clay, to please God is all im after

    Made he them; adam and eve, good and evil
    Health, and wealth, though good yet an illusion
    The True life i yearn for is to sing Gods praise
    Jobs, family, friends and foe are but a diversion
    Fast, pray and praise, the path to eternal days
    The Father, Word and Spirit- the majestic Triple


    What's my take?

    After carefully studying- to some extent, religion, psychology and biology, i have come to the conclusion that religion has had its positive impacts and most notably its tremendous deleterious effects on the society. It is said that "God created man" , but at some certain time i began to realise that the statement was not wrong but an inverted truth. Stated properly and truthfully, it is; "man created God".

    So all being said, i am a skeptic. I have to live the life of an "under cover agent" and keep my skepticism to myself. Dodging religious activities is the most difficult part. Family is important to me and the only ones i can solely trust. Revealing my new paradigm would surely make me an outcast. One man can change the world - Yes, when the people are united hence "one man".
    If their God is out there i hope he hears them

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