From Quora: How Do You Know if the Devil is Bothering You?

Here's the last religious question I answer from Quora. I chose this because not many know about it. Not a lot of people do a search online to get to know God more. If you are one of those looking to return to Him then this is for you.

Disclaimer: I am not an expert in Catholicism but I was born, raised and live as a Catholic. Also, I went to a Catholic school for 4 yrs. My answer/s is/are based on a combination of my opinion, what I've been taught, learned and/or experienced.

Again, here's what the poster asked:

Question: How do I know if the devil is bothering me?

Now let's proceed to my answers! Get ready, set, go!

1. If you start to hate or curse God because of your continued unfortunate circumstances, then the devil has already been around you for quite a while.

It can take years before you even realize it because the demons influence our thoughts first. If we succumb and fail to be like Job (from the Bible) then alas you are under the devil's snare.

But it's not too late. If you know yourself and always get surprised that you are having negative thoughts (suicidal, depressing thoughts, thinking of cursing others or maybe even wishing bad things to happen to those who oppress/persecute you, etc.), then it is time to find a solution and return to God.


The pandemic has caused many people to fall (hate and doubt God, other people and oneself). The lack of consumption of the “body of Christ” and physically going to church has caused this. If one regularly goes to online mass perhaps one might not experience this fall. I wouldn't know because I was one of those who completely stopped watching online masses after watching a few ones. That's one way how the devil got to me in the past.

Yes some might say God is found everywhere, not only in church but heck weekly communion and regular confession should be done otherwise we will be blind to satan’s traps. The devil is smarter than humans and can employ many tricks just so we will be like him. However much you think you are smart, the devil is infinitely smarter.

If our sins have long desensitized us we cannot determine immediately when the demons are influencing us. This is why going to confession regularly is important. Also, we have to always be aware which of the 10 commandments and the 7 deadly sins are we most and least susceptible to.


Take note that the devil influences and attacks our minds most often than anything else. If you are intelligent or smart, thinking you will know if anything comes from the devil, I can tell you from experience that you will not. Even one of the exorcist priests (before he became one), who I've watched interviews of, experienced the same thing. He is even a psychology masters degree holder!!!

Again, hating God, yourself and other people is clearly one of the signs of diabolical oppression/obsession. It is not always because of biological imbalances alone when your mental health suffers. Your thoughts become indistinguishable from the evil whispers, especially when the demons are telling you it's you're fault, it's their fault, it's God's fault, it's time to die, they should all die, etc. But those are not natural to us humans. When we were young we never had such thoughts, so it is unnatural if we suddenly want to die and hate everybody, even strangers and including ourselves.

When you are consumed in the sin (for example rage or hate against your family members, enemies, relatives, neighbors, etc.) then you won't be able to think of anything else but to get even and/or hurt them so bad. You will justify your actions, etc. The worst sin happens when you finally blame and hate God for every misfortune that comes to you.

Ah that is not yet the really dangerous scenario but it's already bad enough for your soul.


2. Another way to realize it is to watch Catholic exorcist priest interviews about exorcism online.

Or if you find books by Catholic exorcist priests then go ahead and buy/read it. This way you will learn more as they can explain things better from a Catholic perspective. Even non-Catholics get exorcised you know.

I do not recommend any other priest exorcists outside of the Roman Catholic religion. Their system may be extreme and filled with pride instead of having centuries of studied practice and strict protocol/system.

Anyway if you truly want to know if you are being bothered then don't talk to fortune tellers. Do not get amulets or good luck charms either. Better to talk to a local priest, confess your sins and/or watch the many Catholic exorcism talks online instead.

Getting charms and amulets are one way to open yourself to what you don't want to enter into your life. But of course, I did not say such. It is all according to legit Catholic exorcist priests.

In closing...

Knowing if you are under the influence of the evil one is up to you to find out. One who does not wish to return to the Lord will never accept the reality of being under the devil's control. That's normal because your mind is clouded. Only when one calls out to be saved by God, Jesus and even helped by Mama Mary and the saints will one begin to see the light.

If we choose the Lord then He will deliver us, if not then you know why the devil is ruining people's lives.


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