"Cursed Bread" Event resulted with 7 death of a damaged village with 300 population

The 'Curse of the Bread' incident that took place in a small town in France in 1951 resulted in the death of seven people as well as many people. The villagers, who leave their beds one day, become an extremely strange mood. Interesting creatures, villagers claiming to see wild animals, began to exhibit aggressive attitudes by the authorities.

Here is the 'Cursed Bread' that still keeps its mystery ...

Pont-Saint Esprit, known as a small village in the Grad region of France, was known as a quiet, inoffensive residental area with people living on their own.


In the town where people are at work to meet their daily needs, quite interesting events began to take place, when the dates point to August 16, 1951.

Everyone who opened his eyes to the August 16th day was moving in a great strange way. The villagers said they saw dragons and they were attacked by the serpents.


When Charles Granjhon, who was 11 years old, ran out of his house and struggled to strangle his grandmother, the worker Gabriel Validire claimed that he had died, that his roommate had also made his head from copper and that his stomach had eaten by the snakes.

On the same day a woman who is getting out from her home was telling that the tigers attacked her. Everyone in the village was dreaming without exception. The creatures, dragons, tigers, snakes and more were mad at the peasants.


Interesting events have begun to be investigated by the authorities. Approximately 300 people who saw interesting creatures began to be examined. 50 were admitted to the mental hospital because they could not be controlled.

It didn't help to take it under control. There were even people told the doctors that their heart had been removed and that they should replace it.

Just 8 days after the start of the oddities, a patient in the hospital started to scream and threw himself down from the second floor. The patient started to escape from the place that he fell, saying 'I am a plane'.


Roch Briand, the baker of the village, was shown as responsible for the events that led to the death of the long-suffering town and the deaths of seven people in total.

After the investigations, it was determined that the breads of the villagers were mixed with chemicals such as ergot-named plant mushrooms or mushrooms.


The ergot mushroom, known as the main ingredient of LSD, was known as one of the most powerful hallucinogenic substances on the planet.
There seemed to be a lot of question marks on it, though it seemed to be solved by the ergot mentality of your grandfather in the town. Could the mixing of the Ergot fungus into the flour, without processing, create such a powerful hallucination wave? There was also no investigation into whether blast furnace heat could destroy the effects in the fungus.
The girl drawing the reflection of herself from the mirror on LSD

The suicide case, which happened 2 years after the town was drilled in bulk, provided different thesises about the people living in the town.


In experiments where the CIA had named the MK-Ultra and aimed at mind control, Frank Olson jumped from the 13th floor of the hotel where he was trying to control the mind by giving a certain amount of LSD. It was thought that Olson lost consciousness and heard the desire to announce the experiment to the whole world.
During interviews conducted during suicide-related investigations, the interviews between a drug company and a CIA agent alleged that the people living in the town were entirely due to LSD.It was known that the CIA and the pharmaceutical company worked together for the MK-Ultra project, while the fact that the company had a production facility in the vicinity of 100 km from the company, which had the feature of being the only drug company that produced LSD in Europe at that time, could be real.Clarifyingly, the CIA was testing whether the community could be controlled by giving the LSD, which he allegedly used for mind control, to the villagers with bread.

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The 'Cursed Bread' case, in which a total of 300 villagers have long dreamed, 50 villages have been treated for a long time in psychiatric hospital , and 7 villagers have lost their lives, is still unclear.


Although it claims to be a CIA experiment, the CIA has never accepted these claims. For this reason, this interesting event is still more mysterious.

Who is responsible for the 'Cursed Bread' case?
CIA, Drug Company, A momentous abstraction of the village's baker or all.
I'm waiting for your answers!

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