The Simulation Theory of "Reality", the relation of consciousness to it, and a niggling question...

Q: Who makes the ruleset?
(I'll extemporaneously respond to this question asked by Wouter Berger of the idea, but it's a VERY old question, this time couched in terms from game theory, consequently digital games).
***The video below IS NOT ME, it is Tom Campbell, making a very good explanation without technical detail of the simulation theory of reality and the emergent nature of consciousness from a very recent point of overview ***

It (the ruleset)is apparently emergent, but it is equally superposed with a totally deterministic and "pre-determined" ruleset/system. And "who", in this context, is a poorly-conceived (too-restricted) concept for the question. Apparently, to the finest precision, accuracy, and resolution of the virtual tools "we" can apply, the ruleset AND the simulation emerge from a matrix of consciousness (I use matrix in a technical sense here), but that is indistinguishable from within the dataset of the simulation, operating with its toolset (our brain-based computational capacity) from chaos.

I'm not comfortable with the lack of definition of many terms and statements (and attempted explanations) of "undefined terms" used freely throughout many of these lectures/talks (and certainly abstracts of papers in the field, though that's entirely reasonable), although I find them inspiring and very helpful.

"I" "love" the conclusion that "our" objective within this apparently near-infinite reiterative simulation (the magnitude can be derived from Hawking's calculations) is to become entirely "love", or "LOVE". Within the context of the study of consciousness from within this simulation, though, "love" MUST be considered an undefined term, and can only be processed in the experiential realm- and THAT is yet another layer of the simulation.
This is entirely in opposition to the common understandings of the principles of "detachment" and "advaita" from Vedantic and Buddhist teachings, an ENTIRELY "personal" (as in, having the qualities of individual existence, although it's the totality of both the matrix AND the simulation) approach couched in technical terms.

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