The Great Seasonal Confusion: A Québécois Tale

The Great Seasonal Confusion: A Québécois Tale

You know it's that special time in Québec when your morning routine includes carrying both sunglasses AND snow boots in your bag, just in case. Yesterday, I confidently packed away my rake after the "final" yard cleanup, only to wake up to leaves that seemingly teleported from the neighbor's yard overnight. Thanks, Marcel, your maple tree's timing is impeccable.

The weather app has given up entirely – it just shows a shrugging emoji and "¯_(ツ)_/¯ maybe wear layers?" My closet looks like it's having an identity crisis: flip-flops sadly spooning with winter boots, tank tops seeking comfort from wool sweaters.

The real kicker? Walking into any grocery store right now. Halloween candy is on clearance, Christmas decorations are taking over like tinsel-covered invaders, and there's that one lonely display of pumpkin spice everything looking increasingly nervous as the maple syrup section grows more powerful by the day.

My car doesn't even know what to do anymore. The "check engine" light has evolved into "check season" – though that might just be the frost playing tricks on my dashboard. And let's not talk about that one brave soul still wearing shorts in 5°C weather because "it's technically still fall, eh?"

At this point, I'm pretty sure Mother Nature is just sitting up there with a Québec-shaped remote control, randomly pressing buttons labeled "snow," "rain," "surprise summer day," and "what even is this weather?"

C'est la vie in Québec, where we don't have four seasons – we have two seasons fighting for custody of November, and honestly, I'm here for the drama. 🍁❄️


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