ECO-HORNET Pyrolysis installation (From organic waste to energy in an efficient, economical and ecological way)

During the following days I will present to the community a project that I am working on right now!
The goal is to raise money for it and to start cleaning out one small village from my country using one pyrolysis machine. All the products that will result from this process will be sold and the profit made will be invested back into crypto and distributed to the people who helped the project in a quantum calculated using simple and fair arithmetics. I know the crypto market is grey at the moment, but this project will be transparent and whoever wants to come and visit the plant is free to do so. The product is real and will be there.
I tried to raise money using european funds, private investors, etc but everybody wants fast profits. This is a pilot project and if it works, it can mean a lot for the community and for the planet. I will try to give as many details as possible and will answer all your comments so please bear with me. It worths a try so here it is:

Can you imagine a world without bad smelling garbage dumps? Or that the household waste has the same value as the natural gas? Yes, it is possible!
Pyrolysis is a thermochemical process, with a very promising future, which decomposes and transforms the organic waste in charcoal, volatile compounds, and combustible gases. This process implies the simultaneous, irreversible change of the chemical composition and the physical state of the compound. The pyrolysis process is a predominantly endothermic process and it is performed in a closed, oxygen-free (or with a low oxygen composition) enclosure.
An activity with multiple benefits
The ecoHORNET pyrolysis installation has the advantage what it processes and neutralizes the organic waste in an efficient, economic and ecologic way, resulting products which are energetically and technologically useful.
It eliminates the organic waste which causes environment problems or discomfort (household waste, sewage sludge, plastic, rubber, etc.);
The operating costs are minimal, the installation is self-sustainable from an energetic point of view, the activity is profitable and it does not require government subventions;
In comparison with other methods for organic waste elimination, the pyrolysis in the ecoHORNET installation takes place in an ecologic way, keeping the exhaust emissions at a minimum level;
The obtained products (bio gas, bio oil, biochar) are of the best quality.

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