How To Win An Argument And Affect People !


For us humans arguments are inevitable as there is always a clash of thoughts among different people, Most of the time you win those arguments but there are times when you lose them, let me tell you few things you can change in your argument skills so that they always turn in your favor.

Stay Calm

This is the key to win at any argument, keeping calm helps you understand the perspective better and helps you think and say all the right things, plus it annoys the person you are arguing with if you are calm and that person is filled with anger.

Be ready to listen

A debate cannot be won if you are only willing to speak what you think, an argument is just like a conversation, to win people you will have to listen what other has to say.

Know your topic and use facts

Most of the arguments happen when It becomes the point of self-respect, so sometime people start a argument over those things which they hardly even have any clue about due to which they start throwing tantrums and useless points, don't be that stupid. Know about the point of argument and only indulge in one if you at least know something about it rather then blindly jumping on to it, If you know facts about them cool, use them. Facts are greater than any thought.



Throw in some related diversions which will make the other person lose hold of their main point.

Know when to give up and divert the agreement to mutual understanding

You cannot win every time, what you can do it not loose either, in case it seems that you are bound loose try suggesting something which both of you could agree on something which is way different then what either of you were trying to argue for.

At last be humble and open minded, it is an argument don't let it turn into a fight. Nobody wants to fight or argue with a humble and open minded person.

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