A Sad Story About Psychology Hıstory

John Watson who is the one of the main founder of behaviourist psychology. He decided to investigate fear. Is the fear comes when we were born or we learn the fear after we born.Because of this reason they set up an experiment. They found a 8 months boy, and show him a white rat, he played the rat after a while when they show the rat they give a loud noise at the same time. They made this for a few time. So Albert fear the rat, even ıf Albert fear the almost all white and hairy object, this is definetly harm hıs psychology and they didnt even extinct him. There are many hıstory about Albert somebody say hı died when he was 6 years old because of the hydrocephalia someone says hıs mother work ın the hospıtal as a wetnurse. To sum up as it is mentioned above they found conditional fear and they proof that, but they did this in a wrong way, this experiment still be critisized, ıts not ethical,AAEAAQAAAAAAAAaNAAAAJDI3YjRiMjNjLTdjY2MtNGEyNi1hMjkyLTIyM2M3M2ExNjI4MA.jpg

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