A Penny For Your Thoughts: Perfection

Skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony.
Snow White was indeed the fairest of them all. She was perfect.

At a very young age the idea of perfection is shoved down our throats. There were standards by which we were forced to live and as we grew older, these standards multiplied.
Do not talk a certain, do not dress a certain, be this, be that, be perfect. Hide your flaws, hide them so the world will not see them because if they do, you will be unloved.


Do we really want to become robots? Because a normal human being is not flawless. We bleed, we have bad hair days, scars, adipose, we make mistakes, we are not perfect and we are afraid. Afraid of rejection, afraid of the day you will see our flaws and if we are all scared, why do we put so much pressure on each other? What happened to acceptance? Or has the world become so dysfunctional that we now derive pleasure in pointing out the errors in others? Does it make us feel better about ourself?

The value and meaning of life is lost in our quest for something unreal. Relationships destroyed because some how we have come to believe that our friends, parents and spouses ought to be perfect. They should do no wrong and make no mistakes.

I know a beautiful girl who never goes out without make up and if she does she will apologize to everyone she comes across. As insane as you may think it is, we all do it, one way or another.

I strongly believe we should strive for growth in all aspects of life but I will never support man's quest for perfection. For this is man's undoing, no man should go through life with a wounded ego and a shattered self image. There's beauty in diversity.

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