Annex B for Proposal on HiveTips

Proposal Update #1 - Proposal can be found HERE


Breakdown of Work Invested To Date By The FULLALT Team.

This is designed to inform people on the amount of time and work that has already been put in by the team at FullAlt. We have, to date, invested a ton of work into making HiveTips a viable and tangible Hive-based utility. We will have a truck load more work to cover over the next two years. None of which is currently being funded by the DHF. Due to many queries on the subject, we feel it necessary to add this information to the collective proposal and requires some more text than just a general description that was in the original proposal post.
To the left is what was originally in the proposal itself and we felt it clearly stated that no one was or will be paid for their contributions. We aim to clarify that in this annex.

Now, when we say “FREE”, that is exactly what we mean.

There is not a single cent from the DHF that is going to any one of the team members in FullAlt for the work the four of us put in for the next two years.


We are a part of Hive, just like you, the person who is reading this post. We all have an interest in doing everything we can to ensure our cryptocurrencies, HIVE and HBD rise in value. We are well aware that this means that everyone who is on Hive and who wants to see Hive succeed, needs to pitch in no matter what field of work or role any one of us in the Hive community may have. We are the creators of our future on Hive. All of us.

The above snapshot from the proposal did not go into any real depth when it comes to the value of the work that we as a team have put in and are obliging ourselves to in accordance with this proposal.

@inthenow: Chief Visual and Graphics Artist.

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If you haven’t already seen the following video, then take a look at it now:

and here it is again with a different audio track:

To give you a more complete idea of how much work and effort went into this one video, here are the exact words from the man himself:

“It took approximately 10+ hours to produce the video, another 10-12 hours scouring the net for free to use images and videos that fit the theme I was going for. I own the PLR (private label rights) to the two songs used in the videos, otherwise if I wrote an original piece... as in the AltYes commercial, that took 2 weeks++ to produce just one song as an aside.”

Now what does this equate to in financial value? Rather than us put a price on these types of services that are out there on the market, we will supply you with a very well resource of information:

“Why hiring a graphic designer is vital for your business in 2020"
  • Great graphic design will solidify your brand identity and drive revenue. Find out how to hire a great designer and what you should expect to pay.
  • Your graphic design dictates the way people engage with your brand. Companies are increasingly getting serious about design, with Adobe reporting that 71% of companies are creating 10 times the number of design assets today than they were in prior years. Good design is crucial for a successful business.

Source for determining fair and reasonable hourly rates continues in this article:

Based on these figures, we are looking at a dedicated partner, who is solely working on the needs of the advertising campaign.

The advertising campaign has a huge outreach and depending on the graphic design requirements of the sites out there and the ad space included in the listed package deals for each of the portals, we can safely use the 'Design Agency' pricing from the above table.

If we don’t have a designer and graphic artist at our disposal, then the portals usually offer their own services, or the services of partner companies, aka “agencies”, to do the work for us. @inthenow has us covered on those needs.

Then there are the marketing aids for HiveTips that you can find at:

The snapshot to the left is of the most recent ones he created.

Again, the conservative figure of five hours was given by our graphics artist, with the side note that he used materials that he gathered while making the videos.

He forgets all the hours of thought he put into it all, that the agencies charge for. While this figure is solely for the actual creation of these ideas.

Going by the hours invested to date, @inthenow has provided over $5,000.00 of services and products for the needs of Hivetips.

The bulk of the work is yet to come.

“Every artist dips her brush into her own soul, and paints her own truth into her pictures.”
– Henry Ward Beecher

@enginewitty: Chief Marketing Officer

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There is no telling how much time actually put in. Between looking at graphs or talking on the phone or trying to break our finished product before he felt comfortable presenting it to the masses. He is primarily tackling public relations and marketing. Here are a few sources for determining fair and reasonable hourly rates:

With those figures in mind, let’s take a look at some of the work he has put into making HiveTips a success. We’re going to lowball an average and say that he is getting $150,000 a year, which is $72.12 USD an hour for his work. The actual listing of HiveTips on various ranking and dApp listing sites (not including wait and approval time) was roughly 4 hours.

4 X $72.12 = $288.48

Looking at the social media aspect, which has been quite loosely approached outside of Twitter and Hive, where the most interaction and interest is. The first official announcement of HiveTips was on Hive and was issued on May 25 of this year (2020). Since then an average of an hour a day, five days a week, between compiling post content, browsing and managing YouTube, Twitter and replying to queries on all those including in the Discord is (at the time of composing this post) 76 days/hours.

76 X $72.12 = $5,481.20

The time put into trying to find people to help test the extension, outside of the company, coupled with market research to present a budget for the marketing, starts to show the value of time put in. We are putting the time was put into recruiting an alpha testing group to ten hours, not including the time he invested himself into testing and consistently ‘breaking’ HiveTips. The market research spanned over a 3 month period which, when crunched down to actual 8 hour days, was about 3 weeks of total time.

40 X 3 = 120
120 + 10 = 130
130 X $72.12 = $9375.60

If you add all three of those figures, you can easily see that over $15,000 USD comparable time has been put in for free from Witty. He believes in this as much as the rest of any of us here.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
– Winston Churchill

@guiltyparties: Chief Development Officer

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The bulk of the responsibility of ensuring that everything is backed up and working smoothly is on him. From resourcing the servers, maintaining them, interviewing and negotiating with potential coders, to responsibly helping to make the call on this. He has a going rate for his services, which he has quoted in the past when asked for it.

“The rate I’ve always priced my services at is $100 per hour. It has been the same since the 90s. This is the rate I use when I invest my time in Hive and in key projects like FullAlt. The donation of an hour is the cost of opportunities not taken where this hour could be paid for. It is not a donation made begrudgingly but instead made voluntarily for the benefit of the greater Hive ecosystem and supported by my faith in Hive and fellow contributors.”

The above rate is more than fair and reasonable, considering the years of experience and results shown to date on the chain alone. In this case it is what the market refers to as a 'Firm Fixed Price' and they are not negotiable.

He has put in no less than 10 hours of taking notes, defining the needs and visions, and then translating these 'wish lists' for the project into a technical document that can be presented to a coder. Procurement of the coding services was right at 4 hours. The bare bones minimum of keeping track of the work, maintaining backups, independently reviewing and auditing invoices and time sheets for the past 4 months at 3 hours per week.

60 Hours: $6,000.00

@jackmiller: Chief Executive Officer

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Jack has fully funded the project to date, which can be seen in Annex A on the proposal and here in the image shown.

He has taken on all of the material risks in the event that this entire project was not as successful as we have hoped. He:

"believes in the long term benefits for everyone on Hive, including him, as one of the community”.

If he had purchased HIVE with the money spent on the HiveTips thus far, he would have over 150,000.000 HIVE sitting in his wallet.

He is the project coordinator and has been integral at keeping the project moving forward.

Jack ensures that there is comprehensive daily communication with the developers and the entire FullAlt team to ensure the fluid progress of HiveTips.

To date, the hours put in by Jack equate to no less than 4 months, 6 day working weeks at a minimum of 4 hours per day.

384 hours x $50 = $19,200

The source for determining fair and reasonable hourly rates:

In Conclusion

The total amount to date of comparable time put in is: $45,345.28

We at FullAlt will continue working on HiveTips for FREE. Nothing from the DHF proposal will be going to the FullAlt team. We are dedicated to the dream of having HIVE available and utilized all over the internet. For all of the above work we have provided links with proof of fair and reasonable wages for the services rendered. We hope the above details and figures provided help put a more concrete outlook as to how much work has been done and how much more work is yet to come. Thank you for your time.

- The @fullalt team
This is Annex 'B' for the original proposal post.
Video That Goes Over The Proposal


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