Why are morsels of truth about the plandemic emerging from legacy media and what is next?


Maybe the real truth is even worse than what the general public is being told right now as there are too many reputable doctors and scientists coming forward with damning information, as well as people being injured and killed as a direct result of the vax, so they are doing pre-damage control. Next will come some scapegoats. But make no mistake; Big Pharma still owns politicians and media outlets ("Sponsored by Pfizer") World-wide and will not allow dissent.



The Ukraine/Russia conflict is where they want our attention right now.

While I do think Putin is a censorious tyrant and it was certainly a mistake for him to invade Ukraine, this war has been managed and produced. Putin is a bogeyman and scapegoat. Sad that most people don't even know of or think about the connections between the current situation and the US-produced Ukrainian coup in 2014 to put in their puppet and the subsequent manipulation. Not to mention all the propaganda coming out over the last month or so.

Side note: check out this short, hard-hitting Larken Rose video commentary on the difference between the leaders of demonized Countries and the people. https://clearsay.net/ukraine-vs-russia

This is not to mention the strategic importance Ukraine holds in terms of resources and war.

Whenever the media tells us, "Look here," please ask yourself what they don't want us looking at.

Some of those things they don't want us talking about

  • As mentioned above, vax ineffectiveness and injuries including recently revealed damning CDC data about injuries and the past coverup of that data.
  • Hunter's laptop and the corruption it reveals.
  • What we are doing in Yemen and other Countries.
  • China's sword-rattling related to Taiwan and what it would mean to the world if the largest chip manufacturer, TSMC, were to fall under Chinese control. I hope US chip-makers amp-up their production in time! I know some of them are working on new fabs here in the US.
  • The US economy's problems, including moronic leadership, inflation, and scarcity of various foods, products, oil, and oil-based products like gas and other products that are made from oil.

The next plandemic: Cyber

Next, as I first mentioned in November 2020 at https://clearsay.net/digital-covid-coming-next, they are slowly preparing our minds to accept the next plandemic that will be cyber in nature. With this project, there are many vectors, including:

  • The OS most used by the average person is Windows. We are being pushed hard to move from Windows 10 to Windows 11. In Windows 10 I see an increasing number and urgency of "opportunities" to "upgrade". Windows 11 removes quite a bit of control from the user, as well as adding increased surveillance and "security". I have zero intention of "upgrading". If you want the "pretty parts" of Windows 11, there are various hacks and appss you can use, and more being created every day. A popular one is https://www.stardock.com/products/windowblinds. Finally on this issue, Linux-lovers I hear you! I'll probably make the jump at some point or at least start dual booting. Definitely want more ease in the OS before making the jump. And so will the average person.
  • One could examine the relation between covid and a cyber-plandemic as (stage 1) Manufacture fear of and inconvenience around physical proximity with other humans, sometimes using mandates, pushing for more use of phones, tablets, and computers for connection, entertainment, and productivity. (stage 2) Increase gov-corp control of the those devices, software, and as many aspects of the Internet (ISPs, ICANN, etc.) as possible.

Back to bioweapons; it's probably not over

And/or maybe a new bioweapon-based plandemic will happen before, during, or after that cyber-plandemic. I'm sure they learned quite a bit by how the last one went. From the metrics of more fear, government dependency, and wealth-transfer, as well as some other items I've mentioned here, they probably count Covid Plandemic #1 as a success!

Climate hysteria


Let's not forget the "climate crisis," that has been gaining ground amongst the masses and is increasingly pushed by beach-front-property-owning elites. This plandemic has and will increasingly bring power, control, and wealth to those elites. https://clearsay.net/climate-change-culprit-short-answer-the-sun. This was one of the early plays in pro-consensus "science" that was amplified with the covid plandemic. "If more people believe, that makes it more true." That's not science, by the way.

Food and drugs

An important cornerstone of corruption in most developed Countries is regulatory capture. The simple definition: where corporations write and push regulation. Think Pfizer giving money to government officials (and don't forget how much they give to the FDA and how much they put into sponsoring legacy media).

The big "food" companies do the same thing. And those are - in my opinion - the least health foods, consistently finding ways to focus less on quality and truly healthy foods to... yeah... maximize profit while increasing palatability, with the side effect that more humans than ever are obese, diabetic, ill, and physically fragile, paving the way for big pharma to come to the rescue with their dangerous remedies.

The [Brave] new World order


"You will own nothing and you will be happy" ~ World Economic Forum

Increasingly lately, I'm reminded of many parts of the books and films, 1984 and Brave New World. More fear, more polarization (https://clearsay.net/left-right-illusion), less independence, less liberty, less connection, emotional fragility (see image below), and physical fragility. If there is any relationship between these activities, where does it all lead?

Related: https://clearsay.net/woke-hollywood
Related: https://clearsay.net/primary-causes-of-the-new-emotional-fragility

Finally, they have amped up preparing our minds for seeing and accepting NATO troops in various Countries, eventually our own while empowering those NATO troops.

I propose that the final goal is one world government, a sort of techno-tyranny surveillance state where we happily accept and even beg to be saved from the fear, chaos, and poverty they are producing.

What do you think?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on these topics! I know we have talked about most of these things at one time or other.

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