What I stand for

Today I want to go on record about what I believe in.

I stand for LOVE, JOY and UNITY and believe they will get us through difficult times.


It won't always be easy, and no doubt some days I will falter, or completely fail, but this is my challenge to myself:

o If you say things that I don't agree with, I may choose to discuss them with you or may choose to pass on by. Either way, I will still love you.

o If you make decisions about your life or body that I don't agree with, that's none of my business. I will still love you.

o If I make decisions about my life or body, or express opinions you disagree with, that's your right. I will still love you.

o If we disagree about any subject, my hope is that we can discuss our differences freely and courteously, and agree to differ. If that doesn't happen, I will be sorry, but I will still love you.

o If I think that someone has been rude or abusive towards me, I will remember that my perceptions and emotions are my issue, not theirs, and will still love them.

o If you un-friend or un-follow me, I will be sorry, but will say goodbye with love.

o If anyone attempts to coerce me into an action that doesn't align with my values, I will stand in my sovereignty, but stay in love.

o If anyone does something that I think has harmed another person, I will deal with my own emotions about the action. I can disapprove of the action and still love the person.

o If you don't want me to love you, please understand that I choose my emotions for my own wellbeing, and will still love you.

o If you think this is pretentious twaddle and now think badly of me, that's your affair and not mine. I can see that many will think that, but I'm completely serious. This is my commitment to myself, and I'll do my utmost to stay in love, regardless of what is happening around me.

That's more than enough earnestness - time for some JOY now.


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